Unicode Functions (OS/2 Warp)

This document describes the OS/2 Warp Universal Language Support (ULS) functions. These functions provide APIs and data types to support internationalization of applications.

This document is broken up into six major sections:

Table of Contents

Locale and Character Classification Functions

Codepage Conversion Functions

Keyboard Functions

ULS Data Types

ULS Return Codes


Locale and Character Classification Functions

Internationalized applications are required to operate in a variety of environments based on some territory, language, and/or cultural definition. These environments are identified by a locale, an object which encapsulates culturally specific information. The locale identifies the culture, language, and territory that it supports.


UniCompleteUserLocale is used to finish a locale modification. This API is called after one or more UniSetUserLocaleItem calls to cause the new user defined locale file to be saved.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniCompleteUserLocale( void )


None required.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Successful completion; overridden items have been written to a file.
DosOpen failed to open the locale file.
DosWrite failed due to denied access.
Insufficient memory to create a buffer for writing the new locale.


UniCompleteUserLocale is used to complete the process of defining a new locale or modifying an existing locale. An application will use the UniQueryLocale* APIs and UniSetUserLocaleItem to take an existing locale definition and customize that definition to form a new locale. When the customization process is complete, UniCompleteUserLocale is invoked to save the results as a new locale.

The result of calling this API is that the locale is saved to disk as a new user locale or changes to an existing locale are saved to disk to represent the newly created locale.

Related Functions


This example shows how to complete a user locale after modifying one or more locale items.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar     *uniUsrLocales;     /* Array containing user locales */
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* allocate space for the user defined locales */
     uniUsrLocales = (UniChar *) malloc(4096);

     /* Query the list of user defined locales available to modify */
     rc = UniQueryLocaleList(UNI_USER_LOCALES, uniUsrLocales, 2048);

     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleList error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Change locale definition by calling UniSetUserLocaleItem to make
      * locale item changes.

     /* Write the current set of user locales to disk */
     rc = UniCompleteUserLocale();
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCompleteUserLocale error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniCreateAttrObject creates an attribute object that is used to determine character classifications.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniCreateAttrObject (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object     */
    const UniChar      *AttrName,        /* I  - Attribute name(s) */
    AttrObject         *attr_object      /* O  - Attribute object  */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by a call to UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
AttrName  (const UniChar *)
A UniChar string that specifies the attribute names for which an attribute object should be created. Multiple attribute names are specified as a string of separate names.
attr_object  (AttrObject *)
An address that will receive a pointer to an attribute object upon successful completion of UniCreateAttrObject.


Return value (int)  -  returns

Successful completion; attr_object points to a valid attribute object.
The attribute name specified in AttrName is not supported by locale_object.
Insufficient memory to create the attribute object.


UniCreateAttrObject allocates resources associated with an attribute defined in the LC_CTYPE category of the locale indicated by the locale_object argument.

The locale_object argument specifies a locale object handle returned by UniCreateLocaleObject. It should not be a NULL pointer.

The AttrName argument specifies the attribute names for which an attribute object handle should be created. Multiple attribute names are specified as a string of space-separated names.

When UniCreateAttrObject completes without errors, the attr_object argument specifies a valid pointer to an attribute object.

The attribute object pointer should be used in all subsequent calls to UniQueryCharAttr. If the function result is other than ULS_SUCCESS, the contents of the area pointed to by attr_object are undefined.

The following attribute names are the base POSIX attributes. All attribute names which can be specified in UniQueryAttr are allowed. Those attributes which start with underscore (_) or hash (#) may not be combined with other attributes.

True when alpha or digit is true.
True when upper or lower is true, or when none of cntrl, digit, punct, or space is true.
True for the space and horizontal tab characters.
True for any control character; the following attributes must be false: upper, lower, alpha, digit, xdigit, graph, print, and punct.
True for the digits 0, 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
True for any character with the print attribute, except the space
(Code element 0x0020).
True for any character that is a lowercase letter and none of cntrl, digit, punct, or space is true.
True for upper, lower, alpha, digit, xdigit, punct, or any printing character including the space character (code element 0x0020).
True for any printing character that is neither the space character (code element 0x0020) nor a character for which alnum is true.
True for any character that corresponds to a standard white-space character or is one of the set of white-space characters in the locale as indicated by the locale_object argument for which alnum is false. The standard white-space characters are the following: space, form feed, newline, carriage return, horizontal tab, and vertical tab.
True for any character that is an uppercase letter and none of cntrl, digit, punct, or space is true.
true for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E F, a, b, c, d, e, and f.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and use a character attribute object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     AttrObject   attr_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'a';    /* Unicode lowercase Latin letter a */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                                (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create an alphabetic attribute object */
     rc = UniCreateAttrObject(locale_object,
                             (UniChar *)L"alpha", &attr_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateAttrObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Make call to determine if character is alphabetic */
     result = UniQueryCharAttr(attr_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is alphabetic\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not alphabetic\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniCreateLocaleObject creates a locale object.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniCreateLocaleObject (
    int          LocaleSpecType,    /* I  - Locale identifier type */
    const void   *LocaleSpec,       /* I  - Locale identifier      */
    LocaleObject *locale_object     /* O  - Locale object          */


LocaleSpecType  (int)
Identifies the type of value in the LocaleSpec argument.

The constant names of the values of LocaleSpecType are defined in the header file unidef.h:

LocaleSpec points to a locale token.
LocaleSpec points to a multibyte character string.
LocaleSpec points to a UCS character string.
LocaleSpec  (const void *)
The LocaleSpec argument points to either a character string or a locale token, as indicated by the value of the LocaleSpecType argument.
locale_object  (LocaleObject *)
An address that will receive a pointer to a locale object upon successful completion of UniCreateLocaleObject.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The specified locale is supported and a valid locale object was created.
The specified locale is not supported; the locale object pointer points to undefined data.
There is insufficient memory to create the requested locale or the default locale; the locale object pointer points to undefined data.
An invalid locale specification string or token was passed; the locale object pointer points to undefined data.


UniCreateLocaleObject creates a locale object for the locale specified by LocaleSpec. The object created is an opaque object containing all the data and methods necessary to perform the language-sensitive operations or functions that accept an argument of type LocaleObject. If the function is successful, all categories of the locale object are created and initialized.

When the LocaleSpec argument is a pointer to a character string (UCS character string or multibyte character string), it identifies the name of the locale to be initialized. The locale name is used to locate physical resources associated with this locale. The locale name UNIV is reserved and refers to the definitions that provide default behavior for functions.

When the LocaleSpec argument is a NULL pointer (without regard to the value of the LocaleSpecType argument), UniCreateLocaleObject creates a locale object for the UNIV locale.

When the LocaleSpec argument points to a locale token value as indicated by the value of the LocaleSpecType argument, the token identifies the locale to be initialized.

When the LocaleSpec argument is an empty multibyte or UCS character string, UniCreateLocaleObject creates a locale object based upon the settings of the locale environment variables.

Locale Environment Variables by Precedence and Usage

Category Precedence Usage
LC_ALL Highest Setting LC_ALL takes precedence over any other locale environment variable.
LC_COLLATE Equal precedence Specifies collation (sorting) rules.
LC_CTYPE Equal precedence Specifies character classification and case conversion.
LC_MESSAGES Equal precedence Specifies the values for affirmative and negative answers, and the language for displayed messages.
LC_MONETARY Equal precedence Specifies monetary formats and currency symbol.
LC_NUMERIC Equal precedence Specifies decimal formats.
LC_TIME Equal precedence Specifies date and time formats.
LANG Lowest Setting LANG takes precedence over any undefined locale environment variable. This may be used in conjunction with LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, and LC_TIME.

If the specified locale is valid and supported, UniCreateLocaleObject allocates memory for the new object and returns the address of the created locale object in the area pointed to by locale_object. It is the application's responsibility to free this memory with a call to UniFreeLocaleObject when the object is no longer needed. If the function fails for any reason, the contents of the area pointed to by locale_object are undefined.

The locale token provides a shorthand notation for specifying a locale. The format of the locale token is as returned by a call to UniLocaleStrToToken. The format is defined as an unsigned integer of four octets.

Examples of typical usage:

  1. The locale environment variables are set as follows:

    The LocaleSpec argument is an empty multibyte or UCS character string.

    This example creates a locale object with all categories set to de_DE except for LC_MONETARY which has the value of en_US.

  2. The locale environment variables are set as follows:

    The LocaleSpec argument is an empty multibyte or UCS character string.

    This example creates a locale object with all categories set to fr_FR.

  3. The locale environment variables are set as follows:
    The LocaleSpec argument is an empty multibyte or UCS character string.

    This example creates a locale object with all categories set to it_IT.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create a locale object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                                (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniCreateTransformObject creates a string transform object.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniCreateTransformObject (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object    */
    const UniChar      *xtype,           /* I  - Transform type   */
    XformObject        *xform_object     /* O  - Transform object */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
xtype  (const UniChar *)
A UniChar string identifying the transform type.
xform_object  (XformObject *)
An address that will receive a pointer to an XformObject upon successful completion of UniCreateTransformObject.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

No errors; the xform_object argument points to a valid transformation object.
The transformation name type specified by the xtype argument is not supported for locale_object.


UniCreateTransformObject obtains a transformation object for a transformation type as defined in the locale indicated by the locale_object argument. The function returns a transformation object that can be used as an argument in UniTransformStr.

The following transformation types are defined in all locales:

Transform to lowercase characters. A character that does not have a lowercase form is returned as itself.
Transform to uppercase characters. A character that does not have an uppercase form is returned as itself.
Transform to fully composed form for combined characters.
Transform to a string of decomposed characters where multiple characters are used to represent base and diacritics.
Transform so that Japanese phonetic characters are in hiragana
Transform so that Japanese phonetic characters are in full size katakana
Transform so that Japanese phonetic characters are in half size katakana

In addition to the above transformation-type names, other transformation-type names in the locale (including user-defined transformation-type names) may be passed to UniCreateTransformObject through the xtype argument. To obtain a successful return, the transformation-type name must be defined in locale_object.

When UniCreateTransformObject completes without errors, the xform_object argument value specifies a valid pointer to a transformation object. The transformation object should be used in all subsequent calls to UniTransformStr. If the function result is other than ULS_SUCCESS, the contents of the area pointed to by xform_object are undefined.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and use a transform object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     XformObject  xform_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     int          in_unistr_elem = 0;
     int          out_unistr_elem = 10;
     UniChar      *pin_unistr = (UniChar *)L"os2";
     UniChar      out_unistr[10];

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create an upper case transform object */
     rc = UniCreateTransformObject(locale_object,
                                  (UniChar *)L"upper", &xform_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateTransformObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Calculate the number of elements to transform */
     in_unistr_elem = UniStrlen (pin_unistr) + 1;

     /* Make call to transform input string to uppercase */
     rc = UniTransformStr(xform_object, pin_unistr,
                         &in_unistr_elem, out_unistr,
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniTransformStr error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniDeleteUserLocale is used to delete a locale created by a user.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniDeleteUserLocale (
    UniChar *locale    /* I  - Locale name */


locale  (UniChar *) 
A pointer to a UniChar string which defines the name of the locale.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Successful completion; user locale deleted from disk.
The requested locale cannot be found.
The locale being deleted is not a user defined locale.


UniDeleteLocale is used to remove a previously defined user locale. The UniCompleteUserLocale API must be called subsequently for the change to take effect.

Related Functions


This example shows how to delete a user locale once it is no longer needed by the user.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar  uniLocaleName[ULS_LNAMEMAX];
     int      rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Identify the locale to be deleted - making sure the name is in
      * Unicode - and assign as uniLocaleName.

     /* Delete a user locale from the disk                            */
     rc = UniDeleteUserLocale(uniLocaleName);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniDeleteUserLocale error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;

     /* Save all changes to user locales */
     rc = UniCompleteUserLocale();
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniCompleteUserLocale error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniFreeAttrObject frees a character attribute object.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniFreeAttrObject (
    AttrObject attr_object    /* I  - Attribute object */


attr_object  (AttrObject)
An attribute object to be freed. The attribute object must have been created by a call to UniCreateAttrObject.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

All resources associated with the attribute object specified by the attr_object argument have been successfully deallocated.
The attribute object specified by attr_object is not a valid attribute object.


UniFreeAttrObject releases all resources associated with the character attribute object allocated by UniCreateAttrObject.

The attr_object argument specifies a previously allocated attribute object.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and free a character attribute object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     AttrObject   attr_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create an alphabetic attribute object */
     rc = UniCreateAttrObject(locale_object,
                             (UniChar *)L"alpha", &attr_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateAttrObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Free the character attribute object */
     rc = UniFreeAttrObject(attr_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeAttrObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniFreeLocaleInfo frees a locale information structure created by UniQueryLocaleInfo.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniFreeLocaleInfo (
    struct UniLconv *UniLconv_addr    /* I  - Locale information structure */


UniLconv_addr  (struct UniLconv *) 
A locale information structure created by a call to UniQueryLocaleInfo.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The UniLconv structure and associated memory were successfully freed.
UniLconv_addr is not a valid structure.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and free a locale information structure.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject      locale_object = NULL;
     struct UniLconv   *puni_lconv = NULL;
     int               rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Retrieve locale information */
     rc = UniQueryLocaleInfo(locale_object, &puni_lconv);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleInfo error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     printf("Monetary decimal point is %ls\n", puni_lconv->mon_decimal_point);

     /* Free the locale information structure */
     rc = UniFreeLocaleInfo(puni_lconv);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeLocaleInfo error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniFreeLocaleObject frees a locale object that was created by UniCreateLocaleObject.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniFreeLocaleObject (
    LocaleObject locale_object    /* I  - Locale object */


locale_object  (LocaleObject
The locale object to be freed. locale_object must have been created by a call to UniCreateLocaleObject.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

A valid locale specification for the supplied locale object is returned.
Invalid locale object specified.


The UniFreeLocaleObject function destroys the locale object identified by locale_object and frees any memory associated with it.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and free a locale object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject      locale_object = NULL;
     int               rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Create a locale object for French in Canada */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"fr_CA", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Free the locale object that was just created */
     rc = UniFreeLocaleObject(locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniFreeMem frees memory allocated by UniQueryLocaleObject.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniFreeMem (
    void *memory    /* I  - Pointer to memory */


memory  (void *)  -  in/out
A pointer to the memory to be freed.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Indicates success.
Invalid pointer in memory.


UniFreeMem frees memory allocated by ULS functions. For example, the memory allocated for the locale_name parameter of UniQueryLocaleObject should be freed using UniFreeMem.

Related Functions


This example shows how to free memory allocated by a ULS function.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject      locale_object = NULL;
     int               rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     char              *locale_name;

     /* Create a locale object for French in Canada */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"fr_CA", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Determine the locale name for the LC_MESSAGES category */
     rc = UniQueryLocaleObject(locale_object, LC_MESSAGES,
                               (void **)&locale_name);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Free the memory allocated by UniQueryLocaleObject */
     rc = UniFreeMem((void *)locale_name);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeMem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniFreeTransformObject frees a string transformation object.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniFreeTransformObject (
    XformObject xform_object    /* I  - Transform object */


xform_object  (XformObject)
The transform object to be freed. The transform object must have been created by a call to UniCreateTransformObject.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Specifies that all resources associated with the transformation object specified by the xform_object argument have been successfully deallocated.


UniFreeTransformObject releases all resources associated with a transformation object previously obtained by UniCreateTransformObject.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and free a transform object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     XformObject  xform_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create an upper case transform object */
     rc = UniCreateTransformObject(locale_object,
                                  (UniChar *)L"lower", &xform_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateTransformObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Free the transform object created by UniCreateTransformObject */
     rc = UniFreeTransformObject(xform_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeTransformObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniLocaleStrToToken converts a locale specification string to a token.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniLocaleStrToToken (
    int         LocaleStringType,    /* I  - Locale string format */
    const void  *locale_string,      /* I  - Locale string        */
    LocaleToken *locale_token        /* O  - Locale token         */


LocaleStringType  (int)
Informs UniLocaleStrToToken of the type of string being passed in the locale_string variable.

The LocaleStringType argument can take any of the following values, which are constants defined in the header unidef.h:

Requests that a multibyte string pointer is held in locale_string.
Requests that a UCS string pointer is held in locale_string.
locale_string  (const void *)
The locale specification string.
locale_token  (LocaleToken *)
An address that will receive a pointer to the newly created token corresponding to locale_string.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

A valid locale token for the supplied locale object is returned.
The C locale is because LOCALE.DLL cound not be found.
The locale name is valid but the locale cound not be found.


UniLocaleStrToToken accepts, as an argument, a locale string qualified by the value of the LocaleStringType argument. It returns a locale token pointed to by locale_token if such a token exists for that locale string. UniLocaleStrToToken allocates memory to hold the locale token value. If no locale token exists for the supplied locale string, the value returned in locale_token is undefined.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a locale specification string to a token.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar       *locale_string = L"de_DE";  /* German in Germany locale string */
     LocaleToken   locale_token;
     int           rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     rc = UniLocaleStrToToken(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                             (void *)locale_string,
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniLocaleStrToToken error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniLocaleTokenToStr converts a locale token to a locale specification string.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniLocaleTokenToStr (
    const LocaleToken locale_token,        /* I  - Locale token                   */
    int               LocaleStringType,    /* I  - Requested locale string format */
    void              **locale_string      /* O  - Pointer to locale string       */


locale_token  (const LocaleToken)
A token identifying a locale.
LocaleStringType  (int)
The LocaleStringType argument can take any of the following values, which are constants defined in the header unidef.h:
Requests that a multibyte string pointer be returned.
Requests that a UCS string pointer be returned.
locale_string  (void **)
An address of a pointer variable locale_string that will contain the locale specification string corresponding to locale_token.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

A valid locale specification for the supplied locale object is returned.
The locale token supplied could not be matched to a locale string.
There is insufficient memory to store the locale string.


The UniLocaleTokenToStr function accepts as an argument a locale token in locale_token and returns a pointer to a locale string in locale_string qualified by the LocaleStringType argument. The UniLocaleTokenToStr function allocates memory to hold the locale string value. It is the application's responsibility to free the memory using UniFreeMem when the locale string value is no longer needed. If no locale string can be generated for the supplied locale token, the value returned in locale_string is undefined.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a locale token to a locale specification string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar       *locale_string1 = L"de_DE";  /* German in Germany locale string */
     UniChar       *locale_string2;
     LocaleToken   locale_token;
     int           rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     rc = UniLocaleStrToToken(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                             (void *)locale_string1,
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniLocaleStrToToken error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Convert the token to a locale string */
     rc = UniLocaleTokenToStr(locale_token,
                             (void **)&locale_string2);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniLocaleTokenToStr error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniMakeUserLocale creates a user locale from a base system locale.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniMakeUserLocale (
    UniChar *newName,    /* I  - Name of new locale  */
    UniChar *baseName    /* I  - Name of base locale */


newName  (UniChar *)
The name of the new locale.
baseName  (UniChar *)
The name of the locale to base the new locale after.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The user locale has been created.
The base system locale does not exist.
The name supplied contains an illegal character, is too long or redefines a base system locale.
The name supplied currently exists as a locale name.
Cannot allocate memory for the new locale.


The names for the new locale and the base system locale must be ASCII-7 chars and at most eight characters, in length. An existing locale name must be given as the base locale name.

If the user locale already exists, a ULS_NOOP return code will be given, therefore, this API can always be called before making an update to ensure that the user locale exists.

Related Functions


This example shows how to make a user locale.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

    LocaleObject   locale_object = NULL;
    int            rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
    UniChar        *plocaleName;
    UniChar        *puniSysLocale;

    /* Create current default locale object for this process */
    rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
    if(rc) {
      printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* Query the name of the default locale object */
    rc = UniQueryLocaleObject(locale_object, LC_ALL,
    if(rc) {
      printf("UniQueryLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* Get the locale name from the locale object string */
    puniSysLocale = UniStrtok(plocaleName, (UniChar *)L" ");

    /* Make a new locale */
    rc = UniMakeUserLocale(puniSysLocale, puniSysLocale);
    if (rc) {
      printf("UniMakeUserLocale error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* free the space used by the locale object string */

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniMapCtryToLocale converts an unsigned long country code into a locale name represented as a UniChar string that is acceptable as input to other Unicode APIs.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniMapCtryToLocale (
    unsigned long ulCountryCode,     /* I  - OS/2 country code      */
    UniChar       *ucsLocaleName,    /* O  - Buffer for locale name */
    size_t        n                  /* I  - Size of buffer         */


ulCountryCode  (unsigned long)  -  input
An OS/2 country code.
ucsLocaleName  (UniChar *)  -  output
A buffer for placing the Unicode string.
n  (size_t)  -  input
Size, in characters, of the ucsLocaleName buffer. This should be at least 8 Unicode characters.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

A valid locale name for the supplied country code is returned.
The buffer is not large enough to hold the locale name.
An invalid country code or buffer was specified.

Related Functions


This example shows how to map a country code to a locale name.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar        ucs_locale_name[8];
     size_t         num_elems = 8;
     unsigned long  country_num = 1;
     LocaleObject   locale_object = NULL;
     int            rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Convert country number to a locale name                       */
     rc = UniMapCtryToLocale(country_num, ucs_locale_name, num_elems);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniMapCtryToLocale error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                                ucs_locale_name, &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryAlnum queries a Unicode character's alphanumeric (alnum) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryAlnum (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'a';    /* Unicode lowercase Latin letter a */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                                (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryAlnum(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is alphanumeric\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not alphanumeric\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryAlpha queries a Unicode character's alphabetic (alpha) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryAlpha (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'a';    /* Unicode lowercase Latin letter a */

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryAlpha(NULL, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is alphabetic\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not alphabetic\n", uni_char);

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryAttr returns the value associated with the attribute name supplied by the user.


#include <unidef.h>

ULONG UniQueryAttr (
    UniChar *attrName    /* I  - Attribute name */


attrName  (UniChar *)
The name of a character attribute.


Return value  (ULONG)

If the attribute name is known, the function returns the attribute value. Otherwise, 0 is returned.


This function provides the numeric value for the standard attributes such as alpha, graph, and number. In addition, this function provides the numeric value for other attributes such as hiragana, diacritic, halfwidth etc. The table below contains the valid attribute names. Valid names are all in lower case.

Attributes whose names begin with a lower-case letter may be ORed together. Attribute names that have a leading _ or # character represent classes of characters; these attributes must be tested as individual attributes.

Symbolic names beginning with "C1_" are provided as aliases for several POSIX attributes for Win32 compatibility.

Attribute Name and Description Table

Attr Name Attribute Define Description of Attribute
alnum CT_ALNUM Alphabetic and numeric characters
alpha CT_ALPHA
Letters and linguistic marks
ascii CT_ASCII Standard ASCII character
blank CT_BLANK
Space and Tab
cntrl CT_CNTRL
Control and format characters
diacritic C3_DIACRITIC Diacritic
digit CT_DIGIT
Digits 0 through 9
fullwidth C3_FULLWIDTH Full width variant
graph CT_GRAPH All except controls and space
halfwidth C3_HALFWIDTH Half width variant
hiragana C3_HIRAGANA Hiragana character
ideograph C3_IDEOGRAPH Kanji/Han character
kashida C3_KASHIDA Arabic tatweel (used to stretch characters)
katakana C3_KATAKANA Katakana character
lower CT_LOWER
Lower case alphabetic character
nonspacing C3_NONSPACING Non-spacing mark
nsdiacritic C3_NSDIACRITIC Non-spacing diacritic
nsvowel C3_NSVOWEL Non-spacing vowel
number CT_NUMBER Integers between 0 and 9
print CT_PRINT Everything except control characters
punct CT_PUNCT
Punctuation marks
space CT_SPACE
Whitespace and line ends
symbol CT_SYMBOL Symbol
upper CT_UPPER
Upper case alphabetic character
vowelmark C3_VOWELMARK Vowel mark
xdigit CT_XDIGIT
Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f or A-F)
_apl CHS_APL APL character
_arabic CHS_ARABIC Arabic character
_arrow CHS_ARROW Arrow character
_bengali CHS_BENGALI Bengali character
_bopomofo CHS_BOPOMOFO Bopomofo character
_box CHS_BOX Box or line drawing character
_currency CHS_CURRENCY Currency Symbol
_cyrillic CHS_CYRILLIC Cyrillic character
_dash CHS_DASH Dash character
_devanagari CHS_DEVANAGARI Devanagari character
_dingbat CHS_DINGBAT Dingbat
_fraction CHS_FRACTION Fraction value
_greek CHS_GREEK Greek character
_gujarati CHS_GUJARATI Gujarati character
_gurmukhi CHS_GURMUKHI Gurmukhi character
_hanguel CHS_HANGUEL Hanguel character
_hebrew CHS_HEBREW Hebrew character
_hiragana CHS_HIRAGANA Hiragana character set
_katakana CHS_KATAKANA Katakana character set
_lao CHS_LAO Laotian character
_latin CHS_LATIN Latin character
_linesep CHS_LINESEP Line separator
_math CHS_MATH Math symbol
_punctstart CHS_PUNCTSTART Punctuation start
_punctend CHS_PUNCTEND Punctuation end
_tamil CHS_TAMIL Tamil character
_telegu CHS_TELEGU Telegu character
_thai CHS_THAI Thai character
_userdef CHS_USERDEF User defined character
#arabicnum C2_ARABICNUMBER Arabic numbers
#blocksep C2_BLOCKSEPARATOR Block separator
#commonsep C2_COMMONSEPARATOR Common separator
#euronum C2_EUROPENUMBER European number
#eurosep C2_EUROPESEPARATOR European separator
#euroterm C2_EUROPETERMINATOR European terminator
#left C2_LEFTTORIGHT Left to right text orientation
#mirrored C2_MIRRORED Symmetrical text orientation
#neutral C2_OTHERNEUTRAL Other neutral
#right C2_RIGHTTOLEFT Right to left text orientation
#whitespace C2_WHITESPACE Whitespace

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attribute values using the character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

    char    name[33];
    UniChar uname[33];
    UniChar * up;
    char    * cp;
    ulong   rc;

    /* Ask the user for an attribute name */
    printf("Enter attribute name:");
    scanf("%s", &name);
    if (strlen(name) > 32)
      return 1;

    /* Convert name to unicode */
    cp = name;
    up = uname;
    while (*cp) {
      *up++ = (UniChar)(*cp++);
    *up = 0;

    /* Query the attribute and print the value */
    rc = UniQueryAttr(tolower(uname));
    if (rc == 0) {
       printf("UniQueryAttr error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
    } else
       printf("%s attribute = %x\n", name, rc);

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryBlank queries a Unicode character's blank attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryBlank (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L' ';    /* Unicode space character */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                                (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryBlank(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a blank character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a blank character\n", uni_char);

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryChar determines if the character supplied has the attribute(s) requested.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryChar (
    UniChar uc,     /* I  - Character to query      */
    ULONG   attr    /* I  - Symbolic attribute name */


uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character whose attribute(s) are being examined.
attr  (ULONG)
The attribute being examined in the Unicode character.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The specified attribute is false for the specified Unicode character.
The specified attribute is true for the specified Unicode character.


This function takes the attributes supplied by the caller and tests the character to determine if they are true for that Unicode character. Attribute values are listed under UniQueryAttr; only the standard POSIX attributes (CT_* or C1_*) may be used.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query if a character has particular attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     int          result = 0;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'A';    /* Unicode A character */

     /* Query character for upper case and graphic attributes */
     result = UniQueryChar(uni_char, C1_UPPER | C1_GRAPH);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar is upper case and a graphic character\n");
       printf("UniChar is not upper case and a graphic character\n"_;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryCharAttr queries the attributes of a character.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryCharAttr (
    AttrObject attr_object,    /* I  - Attribute object   */
    UniChar    uc              /* I  - Character to query */


attr_object  (AttrObject)
An attribute object created by UniCreateAttrObject.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character whose attributes will be queried.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is true (the code element has the attribute associated with the attribute object, attr_object).
The result of the test is false.


UniQueryCharAttr determines whether the code element uc has the attributes specified by the attribute object argument, attr_object.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and use a character attribute object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     AttrObject   attr_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'c';    /* Unicode lowercase Latin letter c */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create an attribute object */
     rc = UniCreateAttrObject(locale_object,
                             (UniChar *)L"alpha xdigit", &attr_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateAttrObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Make call to determine if character matches attributes */
     result = UniQueryCharAttr(attr_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X matches attributes\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X does not match attributes\n", uni_char);
     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryCharType is used to query the type of the character.


#include <unidef.h>

UNICTYPE * UniQueryCharType (
    UniChar uc    /* I  - Character to query */


uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character whose type will be queried.


A pointer to a structure of type UNICTYPE is returned from this call.


UniQueryCharType is designed to provide information to support both the XPG/4 character type as well as the Win32 GetCharType type. Where the function is similar, this API is designed to be a superset of the Win32 function so that the Win32 functions can be supported by masking off bits in the returned data structure. GetCharType is similar to the C library "is" functions.

The UNICTYPE structure contains character set information, information regarding Bidirectional attributes, information regarding XPG/4 attributes and information on extended attributes.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query a character type.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UNICTYPE   * uct;
     UniChar    uni_char = 0x3456;    /* Some random Unicode character */

     /* Query the character type */
     uct = UniQueryCharType(uni_char);

     /* Examine the returned structure to determine information about
      * the character.  For example, what is its BiDi orientation and
      * is the character Arabic or Hebrew?
     if (uct->bidi==C2_RIGHTTOLEFT)
        printf("Character is presented right to left\n");
        printf("Character is presented left to right\n");

     if (uct->charset==CHS_ARABIC)
        printf("Character is Arabic\n");
     else if (uct->charset==CHS_HEBREW)
        printf("Character is Hebrew\n");
        printf("Character is not Arabic or Hebrew\n");

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryCharTypeTable is used to query the type of the character.


#include <unidef.h>

ULONG UniQueryCharTypeTable (
    ULONG     *count,       /* O  - Number of entries in table   */
    UNICTYPE  **unictype    /* O  - Table of character type data */


count  (ULONG *)
count is set to the length of the table being accessed.
unictype  (UNICTYPE **)
unictype is set to point to a table of UNICTYPE structures.


A ULONG equal to zero is always returned.


UniQueryCharTypeTable is passed a pointer to a count and a pointer to a table of UNICTYPE structures. count is set to the number of entries in the UNICTYPE structure table. unictype is set to the first structure in the table.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query a character type table.

#include <unidef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * StringBidi: Determine bidi types for each character in a string.
 * Return string of bidi bits, and return value with OR of all bits.
USHORT StringBidi(UniChar *instr, USHORT *charsets) {

    ULONG    count;
    UNICTYPE *typetab;
    USHORT   index, *pcs, out;
    int      rc, i, len;

    /* Get addressability to the character type table */
    UniQueryCharTypeTable (&count, &typetab);

    /* Create an output string */
    len = UniStrlen(instr);
    UniQueryStringType(instr, len, charsets, CT_INDEX);

    /* Replace each index with bidi flags */
    pcs = charsets;
    out = 0;
    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        index = *pcs;
        *pcs = 0;
        if (typetab[index].bidi == C2_RIGHTTOLEFT)
            *pcs |= 1;
        if (typetab[index].charset == CHS_ARABIC)
            *pcs |= 2;
        if (typetab[index].charset == CHS_HEBREW)
            *pcs |= 4;
        out |= *pcs++;

    return out;


UniQueryCntrl queries a Unicode character's control-character (cntrl) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryCntrl (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = 0x000A;    /* Unicode newline character */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryCntrl(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a control character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a control character\n", uni_char);

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryCountryName returns the name of the country in the language specified.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryCountryName (
    UniChar *country,     /* I  - ID of country to query  */
    UniChar *isolang,     /* I  - ID of language to use   */
    UniChar **infoitem    /* O  - Pointer to country name */


country  (UniChar *)
The two character ID of the country to query.
isolang  (UniChar *)
The two character ID of the language used to return the country name.
infoitem  (UniChar **)
A pointer to the country name.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The country name has been returned to the caller.
The country ID supplied is not known.


This function only queries system provided locales to determine valid country names.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query a country name.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>
#include <ulsitem.h>

int main(void) {

    LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
    int          result = 0;
    int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
    UniChar      *pinfo;
    UniChar      *langName;
    UniChar      *countryName;
    UniChar      *mriLanguage;
    UniChar      uni_char = L'5';    /* Unicode number 5 character */

    /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
    /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
    rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                                   (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

    /* Determine the language to get the country name in */
    rc = UniQueryLocaleItem(locale_object, LOCI_sLanguageID,

    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniQueryLocaleItem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;

    /* Get the ISO country ID
    rc = UniQueryLocaleItem(locale_object, LOCI_sCountryID, &pinfo);

    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleItem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

    /* Now we can determine the country name in the proper language */
    rc = UniQueryCountryName(pinfo, mriLanguage, &countryName);

    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryCountryName error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

    printf("Country name is = %ls\n", countryName);

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryDigit queries a Unicode character's numeric (digit) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryDigit (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'5';    /* Unicode number 5 character */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryDigit(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a digit\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a digit\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryGraph queries a Unicode character's graphic (graph) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryGraph (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'S';    /* Unicode Latin uppercase letter S */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryGraph(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a graphic character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a graphic character\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryLanguageName returns the name of a language in the language specified.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryLanguageName (
    UniChar *language,    /* I  - ID of language to query  */
    UniChar *isolang,     /* I  - ID of language to use    */
    UniChar **infoitem    /* O  - Pointer to language name */


language  (UniChar *)
The two-character ID of the language to query.
isolang  (UniChar *)
The two-character ID of the language used to return the language name.
infoitem  (UniChar **)
A pointer to the language name.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The language name has been returned to the caller.
The language ID supplied is not known.


This function only queries system provided locales to determine valid language names.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query a language name.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>
#include <ulsitem.h>

int main(void) {

    LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
    int          result = 0;
    int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
    UniChar      *pinfo;
    UniChar      *languageName;
    UniChar      *mriLanguage;
    UniChar      uni_char = L'5';    /* Unicode number 5 character */

    /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
    /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
    rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                                   (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

    /* Determine the language to get the language name in */
    rc = UniQueryLocaleItem(locale_object, LOCI_sLanguageID,

    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniQueryLocaleItem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;

    /* Get the ISO country ID
    rc = UniQueryLocaleItem(locale_object, LOCI_sLanguageID, &pinfo);

    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleItem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

    /* Now we can determine the country name in the proper language */
    rc = UniQueryCountryName(pinfo, mriLanguage, &languageName);

    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryCountryName error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

    printf("Language name is = %ls\n", languageName);

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryLocaleInfo retrieves information about locale conventions.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryLocaleInfo (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,         /* I  - Locale object      */
    struct UniLconv    **UniLconv_addr_ptr    /* O  - Locale conventions */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject.
UniLconv_addr_ptr  (struct UniLconv **)
The address of a pointer to receive a structure filled with locale conventions.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The UniLconv structure was successfully filled with items associated with the locale object locale_object.
The locale object specified by locale_object is not a valid locale object.


UniQueryLocaleInfo retrieves information from the locale indicated by the locale_object argument and places the information in a UniLconv structure. UniQueryLocaleInfo allocates memory to hold the UniLconv structure. It is the application's responsibility to free the memory with UniFreeLocaleInfo when the UniLconv structure is no longer needed. The address of the UniLconv structure is returned in UniLconv_addr_ptr. The UniLconv structure is filled in according to the locale indicated by the locale object handle argument.

The UniLconv structure contains the following members:

struct UniLconv {
    UniChar *decimal_point;     /* non-monetary decimal point */
    UniChar *thousands_sep;     /* non-monetary thousands separator */
    UniChar *grouping;          /* non-monetary size of grouping */
    UniChar *int_curr_symbol;   /* international currency symbol and separator */
    UniChar *currency_symbol;   /* local currency symbol */
    UniChar *mon_decimal_point; /* monetary decimal point */
    UniChar *mon_thousands_sep; /* monetary thousands separator */
    UniChar *mon_grouping;      /* monetary size of grouping */
    UniChar *positive_sign;     /* non-negative values sign */
    UniChar *negative_sign;     /* negative values sign */
    UniChar int_frac_digits;    /* number of fractional digits - int currency */
    UniChar frac_digits;        /* number of fractional digits - local currency */
    UniChar p_cs_precedes;      /* (non-neg curr sym) 1-precedes, 0-succeeds */
    UniChar p_sep_by_space;     /* (non-neg curr sym) 1-space, 0-no space */
    UniChar n_cs_precedes;      /* (neg curr sym) 1-precedes, 0-succeeds */
    UniChar n_sep_by_space;     /* (neg curr sym) 1-space, 0-no space */
    UniChar p_sign_posn;        /* positioning of non-negative monetary sign */
    UniChar n_sign_posn;        /* positioning of negative monetary sign */
    short   os2_mondecpt;       /* os2 curr sym positioning */
    UniChar *debit_sign;        /* non-negative-valued monetary symbol - "DB"*/
    UniChar *credit_sign;       /* negative-valued monetary symbol - "CR" */
    UniChar *left_parenthesis;  /* negative-valued monetary symbol - "(" */
    UniChar *right_parenthesis; /* negative-valued monetary symbol - ")" */

The value of grouping and mon_grouping is interpreted according to the following:

No further grouping is to be performed.
The previous element is to be repeatedly used for the remainder of the digits.
The integer value is the number of digits that comprise the current group.

The next element is examined to determine the size of the next group of digits before the current group.

The n_sign_posn and p_sign_posn elements are interpreted according to the following:

Quantity and currency symbol are enclosed in parentheses
Sign precedes the quantity and currency symbol
Sign follows the quantity and currency symbol
Sign precedes the currency symbol
Sign follows the currency symbol
Use debit or credit sign for p_sign_posn or n_sign_posn

Related Functions


This example shows how to retrieve information about locale conventions.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject      locale_object = NULL;
     struct UniLconv   *puni_lconv = NULL;
     int               rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Retrieve locale information */
     rc = UniQueryLocaleInfo(locale_object, &puni_lconv);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleInfo error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* print the value of the os2 currency symbol position */
     printf("The os2 currency symbol position is %d\n",

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryLocaleItem retrieves locale information by item.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryLocaleItem (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,          /* I  - Locale object        */
    LocaleItem         item,                   /* I  - Locale item to query */
    UniChar            **info_item_addr_ptr    /* O  - Locale information   */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject.
item  (LocaleItem)
The item to be queried.
info_item_addr_ptr  (UniChar **)
Address of a pointer where the locale information will be received.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The info_item_addr_ptr string is successfully filled with item associated with the locale object locale_object.
The locale item is not a valid locale item.


UniQueryLocaleItem returns a pointer in info_item_addr_ptr to a null-terminated UniChar string containing information found in the locale object identified by locale_object about the language or cultural item named by the item argument. UniQueryLocaleItem allocates the memory to hold the UniChar string and returns a pointer in info_item_addr_ptr. Use UniFreeMem to free the memory associated with info_item_addr_ptr by UniQueryLocaleItem.

The constant names and values for item are contained in ulsitem.h:

Item Name Item Description
LOCI_sDateTime Date and time format string
LOCI_sShortDate Short date format
LOCI_sTimeFormat Time format string
LOCI_s1159 AM string
LOCI_s2359 PM string
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName7 Abbreviation of day 7 (Sun)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName1 Abbreviation of day 1 (Mon)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName2 Abbreviation of day 2 (Tue)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName3 Abbreviation of day 3 (Wed)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName4 Abbreviation of day 4 (Thu)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName5 Abbreviation of day 5 (Fri)
LOCI_sAbbrevDayName6 Abbreviation of day 6 (Sat)
LOCI_sDayName7 Name of day of week 7 (Sun)
LOCI_sDayName1 Name of day of week 1 (Mon)
LOCI_sDayName2 Name of day of week 2 (Tue)
LOCI_sDayName3 Name of day of week 3 (Wed)
LOCI_sDayName4 Name of day of week 4 (Thu)
LOCI_sDayName5 Name of day of week 5 (Fri)
LOCI_sDayName6 Name of day of week 6 (Sat)
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName1 Abbreviation of month 1
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName2 Abbreviation of month 2
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName3 Abbreviation of month 3
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName4 Abbreviation of month 4
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName5 Abbreviation of month 5
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName6 Abbreviation of month 6
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName7 Abbreviation of month 7
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName8 Abbreviation of month 8
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName9 Abbreviation of month 9
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName10 Abbreviation of month 10
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName11 Abbreviation of month 11
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName12 Abbreviation of month 12
LOCI_sMonthName1 Name of month 1
LOCI_sMonthName2 Name of month 2
LOCI_sMonthName3 Name of month 3
LOCI_sMonthName4 Name of month 4
LOCI_sMonthName5 Name of month 5
LOCI_sMonthName6 Name of month 6
LOCI_sMonthName7 Name of month 7
LOCI_sMonthName8 Name of month 8
LOCI_sMonthName9 Name of month 9
LOCI_sMonthName10 Name of month 10
LOCI_sMonthName11 Name of month 11
LOCI_sMonthName12 Name of month 12
LOCI_sDecimal Decimal point
LOCI_sThousand Triad separator
LOCI_sYesString Yes string
LOCI_sNoString No string
LOCI_sCurrency Currency symbol
LOCI_sCodeSet Locale codeset
LOCI_xLocaleToken IBM Locale Token
LOCI_xWinLocale Win32 Locale ID
LOCI_iLocaleResnum Resource number for description
LOCI_sNativeDigits String of native digits
LOCI_iMaxItem Maximum item number
LOCI_sTimeMark Time mark (am/pm) format
LOCI_sEra Era definition
LOCI_sAltShortDate Alternate short date format string
LOCI_sAltDateTime Alternate date and time format
LOCI_sAltTimeFormat Alternate time format
LOCI_sAltDigits XPG4 alternate digist
LOCI_sYesExpr xpg4 yes expression
LOCI_sNoExpr xpg4 no expression
LOCI_sDate Short date separator
LOCI_sTime Time separator
LOCI_sList List separator
LOCI_sMonDecimalSep Monetary currency separator
LOCI_sMonThousandSep Monetary triad separator
LOCI_sGrouping Grouping of digits
LOCI_sMonGrouping Monetary groupings
LOCI_iMeasure Measurement (Metric, British)
LOCI_iPaper Normal paper size
LOCI_iDigits Digits to right of decimal
LOCI_iTime Clock format
LOCI_iDate Format of short date
LOCI_iCurrency Format of currency
LOCI_iCurrDigits Digits to right for currency
LOCI_iLzero Leading zero used
LOCI_iNegNumber Format of negative number
LOCI_iLDate Format of long date
LOCI_iCalendarType Type of default calandar
LOCI_iFirstDayOfWeek First day of week (0=Mon)
LOCI_iFirstWeekOfYear First week of year
LOCI_iNegCurr Format of negative currency
LOCI_iTLzero Leading zero on time
LOCI_iTimePrefix AM/PM preceeds time
LOCI_iOptionalCalendar Alternate calandar type
LOCI_sIntlSymbol International currency symbol
LOCI_sAbbrevLangName Windows language abbreviation
LOCI_sCollate Collation table
LOCI_iUpperType Upper case algorithm
LOCI_iUpperMissing Action for missing upper case
LOCI_sPositiveSign Positive sign
LOCI_sNegativeSign Negative sign
LOCI_sLeftNegative Left paren for negative
LOCI_sRightNegative Right paren for negative
LOCI_sLongDate Long date formatting string
LOCI_sAltLongDate Alternate long date format string
LOCI_sMonthName13 Name of month 13
LOCI_sAbbrevMonthName13 Abbreviation of month 13
LOCI_sName OS/2 locale name
LOCI_sLanguageID Abbreviation for language (ISO)
LOCI_sCountryID Abbreviation for country (ISO)
LOCI_sEngLanguage English name of Language
LOCI_sLanguage Native name of language
LOCI_sEngCountry English name of country
LOCI_sCountry Name of country in current language
LOCI_sNativeCtryName Name of country in native language
LOCI_iCountry Country code
LOCI_sISOCodepage ISO codepage name
LOCI_iAnsiCodepage Windows codepage
LOCI_iCodepage OS/2 primary codepage
LOCI_iAltCodepage OS/2 alternate codepage
LOCI_iMacCodepage Mac codepage
LOCI_iEbcdicCodepage Ebcdic codepage
LOCI_sOtherCodepages Other ASCII codepages
LOCI_sSetCodepage Codpage to set on activation
LOCI_sKeyboard Primary keyboard name
LOCI_sAltKeyboard Alternate keyboard name
LOCI_sSetKeyboard Keyboard to set on activation
LOCI_sDebit Debit string
LOCI_sCredit Credit string
LOCI_sLatin1Locale Locale for Latin 1 names
LOCI_wTimeFormat Win32 Time format
LOCI_wShortDate Win32 Date format
LOCI_wLongDate Win32 Long date format
LOCI_jISO3CountryName Java Abbrev for country (ISO-3)
LOCI_jPercentPattern Java percent pattern
LOCI_jPercentSign Java percent symbol
LOCI_jExponent Java exponential symbol
LOCI_jFullTimeFormat Java full time format
LOCI_jLongTimeFormat Java long time format
LOCI_jShortTimeFormat Java short time format
LOCI_jFullDateFormat Java full date format
LOCI_jMediumDateFormat Java medium date format
LOCI_jDateTimePattern Java date time format pattern
LOCI_jEraStrings Java era strings

Related Functions


This example shows how to retrieve locale information by item.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

     UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar      *pinfo_item;
     char         char_buffer[50];
     size_t       buf_size = 50;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Retrieve localized country name locale item                   */
     rc = UniQueryLocaleItem(locale_object, LOCI_sCountry, &pinfo_item);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleItem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create a conversion object for the current codepage              */
     rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"", &uconv_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Convert the unicode string into a printable codepage string       */
     rc = UniStrFromUcs(uconv_object, char_buffer, pinfo_item, buf_size);
     if(rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniStrFromUcs error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;
     printf("Localized country name is: %s\n", char_buffer );

     /* Free the allocated memory                                         */
     rc = UniFreeMem(pinfo_item);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeMem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryLocaleList returns a buffer filled with a list of the locales defined on the system.


#include <unidef.h>
int UniQueryLocaleList (
    int     flag,          /* I  - Indicates system or user defined locales */
    UniChar *uniBuffer,    /* O  - Buffer for list of defined locales       */
    int     numUniChars    /* I  - Maximum size of buffer                   */


flag  (int)
A flag indicating whether to return a list of system defined locales or user defined locales.

The flag argument can take any of the following values, which are constants defined in the header unidef.h:

Return system defined locales. These are standard locales which are defined by the operating system, and cannot be modified.
Return user defined locales. These are configured locale instances which appear under the Locale (Country) Palette.
uniBuffer  (UniChar *)
A pointer to a buffer that is filled with UniChars representing the list of system or user defined locales.
numUniChars  (int)
The maximum size of the buffer used to return the list of locales.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The buffer is filled with the appropriate list of locales.
The locale list size exceeded the supplied buffer size.


The flag parameter can be used to select either system defined locales or user defined locales. The system and user defined choices can be or'ed together to retrieve the complete list of locales.

Upon successful completion, uniBuffer will contain a list of locale names separated by null code elements.

The maximum length of an individual locale name (including the terminating null code element) is ULS_LNAMEMAX, which is a constant defined in unidef.h.

Related Functions


This example shows how to retrieve a list of locales available on the system.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unidef.h>
#include <uconv.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048

int main(void) {

    UconvObject uconv_object = NULL;
    UniChar     *uniUsrLocales,
    char        char_buffer[ULS_LNAMEMAX];
    int         rc = ULS_SUCCESS,

    /* Query the list of user defined locales                           */
    uniUsrLocales = (UniChar *) calloc(BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(UniChar));
    rc = UniQueryLocaleList(UNI_USER_LOCALES, uniUsrLocales, BUFFER_SIZE);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
      printf("UniQueryLocaleList error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* Parse the null-terminated locale names from the UCS buffer        */
    printf("Defined user locales: ");
    offset = 0;
    while ((offset < BUFFER_SIZE) && (*(uniUsrLocales+offset) != 0)) {
      ucbuf = uniUsrLocales + offset;
      /* This simply prints the UCS locale name verbatim, which is fine if
       * it contains only ASCII characters.  However, in case it contains
       * multilingual characters it would be better to convert it properly
       * using a UconvObject and UniStrFromUcs().
      printf(" %ls", ucbuf );
      offset += UniStrlen(ucbuf) + 1;

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryLocaleObject retrieves the locale identifier.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryLocaleObject (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,     /* I  - Locale object          */
    int                category,          /* I  - Locale category        */
    int                LocaleSpecType,    /* I  - Locale identifier type */
    void               **locale_name      /* O  - Locale identifier      */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
Locale object created by a call to UniCreateLocaleObject.
category  (int)
Locale category identifier.

The permissible values for category are:

These are as described under UniCreateLocaleObject.

LocaleSpecType  (int)
The LocaleSpecType argument can take any of the following values, which are constants defined in the header unidef.h:
Requests that a pointer to a token pointer be returned.
Requests that a multibyte string pointer be returned.
Requests that a UCS string pointer be returned.
locale_name  (void **)
The address of a pointer variable locale_name that will contain the locale name.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

A valid locale specification for the supplied locale object is returned.
The locale specified by locale_object is invalid.
The C locale is because LOCALE.DLL could not be found.
The locale name is valid but the locale could not be found.


UniQueryLocaleObject returns a pointer to a locale specification in the area pointed to by locale_name. UniQueryLocaleObject allocates memory to hold the generated value as necessary. Use UniFreeMem to free the memory associated with locale_name by UniQueryLocaleObject.

The value returned in the area pointed to by locale_name will point to either a string or a token, as indicated by the value of the LocaleSpecType argument.

When the LocaleSpecType argument is UNI_TOKEN_POINTER and the category argument is valid, a pointer to a token that represents the locale value associated with the category argument is returned, if such a token exists.

When the LocaleSpecType argument is UNI_MBS_STRING_POINTER or UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER, UniQueryLocaleObject returns a pointer to a string that represents the locale value associated with the category argument.

When the LocaleSpecType argument is UNI_MBS_STRING_POINTER or UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER and the category argument is LC_ALL, a string that represents the values of all of the locale categories of locale_object is returned. The returned string may be used as the LocaleSpec argument to UniCreateLocaleObject to create a locale object that is a functional equivalent of locale_object.

When the LocaleSpecType argument is UNI_MBS_STRING_POINTER or UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER and the category argument is LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, or LC_TIME, a string that represents the value of the respective locale category of locale_object is returned. The returned string may be used as the LocaleSpec argument to UniCreateLocaleObject to create a locale object. All locale category values are set to the value of the queried locale category of locale_object.

If locale_object contains a NULL pointer, UniQueryLocaleObject returns a locale specification pointer identifying the respective categories of the default locale. If the category argument is LC_ALL, this value can be passed to UniCreateLocaleObject to create a locale object that is the functional equivalent of the current default locale, as specified by the environment variables of the current process.

If locale_object is invalid, the contents of locale_name are undefined and no memory is allocated.

Related Functions


This example shows how to retrieve a locale category name.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject      locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar           *plocale_name;
     int               rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Retrieve locale name of default locale                           */
     rc = UniQueryLocaleObject(NULL, LC_ALL, UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (void **)&plocale_name);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create a locale object based upon the default setting            */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)plocale_name, &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     rc = UniFreeMem(plocale_name);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeMem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryLocaleValue returns an integral value associated with the requested locale item.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryLocaleValue (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object        */
    LocaleItem         item,             /* I  - Locale item to query */
    int                *info_item        /* O  - Locale item value    */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
Locale object created by a call to UniCreateLocaleObject.
item  (LocaleItem)
The locale item being requested.
info_item  (int *)
A pointer to an integer where the value of the locale item is returned.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The info_item is set to the appropriate integral item value.
The locale item is invalid or does not exist.


UnyQueryLocaleValue is used to query locale items with integral values. These are indicated by the prefix "LOCI_i" or "LOCI_x" (see UniQueryLocaleItem for the complete list of locale items).

When a locale item is requested that does not have an integral value, -1 is returned to the caller.

This function provides a more convenient method of querying integral locale items compared to UniQueryLocaleItem.

Related Functions


This example shows how to retrieve the value for a locale item.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>
#include <ulsitem.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     ULONG        pmCodepage;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     rc = UniQueryLocaleValue(locale_object, LOCI_iCodepage,
                              (int *)&pmCodepage);

     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryLocaleValue error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     printf("Presentation manager is using codepage %d\n", pmCodepage);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryLower queries a Unicode character's lowercase (lower) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryLower (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'd';    /* Unicode lowercase Latin letter d */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryLower(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a lowercase character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a lowercase character\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryNumericValue returns the numeric value associated with a Unicode character.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryNumericValue (
    UniChar uc    /* I  - Character to query */


uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)

The function returns -1 if unsuccessful. Otherwise, the numeric value of the Unicode character is returned.


This function returns numeric values for ranges of Unicode numeric characters. The function can be used to identify the digits, both decimal and hexadecimal, for Latin numbers, Arabic, Indian dialects, Laotian, Thai, Han and others represented in the Unicode character set.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query the numeric value of a character.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     int       result = 0;
     int       rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UNICTYPE  *ct;
     UniChar   *uptr;

     /* Set up a Unicode numeric character to test */
     uptr = L'1';

     /* Determine the characters type */
     ct = UniQueryCharType(*uptr);

     /* Test the Unicode character to see if it is a digit.
      * It can be either decimal or hex.
     if ((ct->itype & CT_XDIGIT) || (ct->itype & CT_NUMBER)) {
     num = UniQueryNumericValue(*uptr);

     if (num == -1) {
       printf("UniQueryNumericValue error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryPrint queries a Unicode character's printable-character (print) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryPrint (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'd';    /* Unicode lowercase Latin letter d */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryPrint(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a printable character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a printable character\n", uni_char);

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryPunct queries a Unicode character's punctuation (punct) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryPunct (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'?';    /* Unicode Latin question mark */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryPrint(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a punctuation character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a punctuation character\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQuerySpace queries a Unicode character's space-character (space) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQuerySpace (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L' ';    /* Unicode space character */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQuerySpace(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a space character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a space character\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryStringType is used to query character types for a string.


#include <unidef.h>

ULONG UniQueryStringType (
    UniChar *ustr,      /* I  - Unicode input string to be queried */
    int     size,       /* I  - Size of input string               */
    USHORT  *outstr,    /* O  - Array of Unicode character types   */
    int     kind        /* I  - Input string type                  */


ustr  (UniChar *)
A pointer to the Unicode string.
size  (int)
The size of the UniChar character string to query.
outstr  (USHORT *)
A pointer to an array of USHORTs. Each USHORT represents the type of one of the Unicode characters.
kind  (int)
An integer describing the category of attributes to be queried.


Return value  (ulong)  -  returns

The function was successful.
The kind of string supplied is not known.


Valid values for kind are:

Related Functions


This example shows how to query string types.

#include <unidef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * CountJapanese: Count the number of Japanese chars in string
int CountJapanese(UniChar * instr) {

    int len;
    USHORT * outbuf, * pout;
    int count;

    /* Get some memory to return the string */
    len = UniStrlen(instr);
    outbuf = malloc(len * sizeof(UniChar));

    /* Query the extended character type of the string */
    UniQueryStringType(instr, len, outbuf, CT_EXTENDED);

    /* Search the returned array of types for Japanese chars */
    count = 0;
    pout = outbuf;
    while (len--) {
        if (*pout & (C3_KATAKANA|C3_HIRAGANA|C3_IDEOGRAPH)) {

    /* Free up type array and return */
    return count;


UniQueryUpper queries a Unicode character's uppercase (upper) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryUpper (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'D';    /* Unicode uppercase Latin letter D */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryUpper(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is an uppercase character\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not an uppercase character\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryXdigit queries a Unicode character's hexadecimal-digit (xdigit) attribute.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniQueryXdigit (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object      */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to query */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The Unicode character to query.


Return Value  (int)  -  returns

The result of the test is false.
The result of the test is true.


This function provides the functionality of UniCreateAttrObject, UniQueryCharAttr, and UniFreeAttrObject as an atomic operation for the invariant attributes.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode character attributes

Related Functions


This example shows how to query character attributes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     UniChar      uni_char = L'D';    /* Unicode uppercase Latin letter D */

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query character attribute */
     result = UniQueryXdigit(locale_object, uni_char);
     if (result)
       printf("UniChar character %04X is a hex digit\n", uni_char);
       printf("UniChar character %04X is not a hex digit\n", uni_char);

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniScanForAttr scans a Unicode string for an attribute match.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniScanForAttr (
    AttrObject    attr_object,    /* I  - Attribute object                     */
    const UniChar *ucs,           /* I  - Unicode input string to be scanned   */
    size_t        num_elems,      /* I  - Maximum number of characters to scan */
    ulsBool       inverse_op,     /* I  - Search type flag                     */
    size_t        *offset         /* O  - Position of first character found    */


attr_object  (AttrObject)
An attribute object created by UniCreateAttrObject.
ucs  (const UniChar *)
The array of UniChar code elements to be scanned for the set of attributes in attr_object.
num_elems  (size_t)
The number of UniChar code elements to be searched.
inverse_op  (ulsBool)
Determines scanning rules. Set to FALSE to search for the first match. Set to TRUE to search for the first nonmatching element.
offset  (size_t *)
An integer identifying the location of the first element meeting the criteria.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The function was successful.
No code element meets the specified criteria.
The attribute object specified by attr_object is not a valid attribute object.


UniScanForAttr scans the array of code elements identified by ucs, from the position specified by ucs, searching for the first code element that matches or does not match the set of attributes specified by attr_object.

The inverse_op argument determines the rules for scanning and is an integer type containing one of the following values:


If inverse_op is set to FALSE, the function searches for the first code element that matches all of the attributes of the specified attr_object; if inverse_op is set to TRUE, the function searches for the first code element that matches none of the attributes of attr_object.

The search begins from the code element identified by ucs, through the next num_elems code elements. A non-negative integer identifying the location of the first code element meeting all of the criteria specified by attr_object is returned in the area pointed to by offset. This indicates the number of code elements offset from the code element identified by ucs, to the code element at which the attribute match is satisfied. If no code element meets the specified criteria, the contents of offset are undefined.

Related Functions


This example shows how to scan a Unicode string for an attribute match.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     AttrObject   attr_object = NULL;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     size_t       offset = 0;
     UniChar      *uni_char = L"os2";

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create an attribute object */
     rc = UniCreateAttrObject(locale_object,
                             (UniChar *)L"digit", &attr_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateAttrObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Make call to determine if string matches attributes */
     rc = UniScanForAttr(attr_object, uni_char, UniStrlen(uni_char),
                         FALSE, &offset);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniScanForAttr error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniSetUserLocaleItem is used to set a locale override for a locale item.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniSetUserLocaleItem (
    UniChar *locale,    /* I  - Locale name    */
    int     item,       /* I  - Locale item    */
    int     type,       /* I  - Item type      */
    void    *value      /* I  - New item value */


locale  (UniChar *)
Name of the user locale.
item  (int)
Locale item to be set. See UniQueryLocaleItem for the list of defined locale items.
type  (int)
Type of the locale item being set. Specify one of the following:
Integral value: item begins with "LOCI_i" or "LOCI_x", and value is the address of an integer variable.
String value: item begins with "LOCI_s" or "LOCI_w", and value is a literal string (char *).
String value: item begins with "LOCI_s" or "LOCI_w", and value is a Unicode string (UniChar *).
value  (void *)
Pointer to the new item value.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The function was successful.
No code element meets the specified criteria.
The specified locale was not found.
A memory allocation error was detected.
The specified locale is not a user defined locale.
The item is too long for the buffer.


UniSetUserLocaleItem modifies an item in a user locale. This affects all users of that locale. After doing this function, a call to UniCompleteUserLocale is necessary to make the changes permanent.

Related Functions


This example shows how to set a user locale item.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     int rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Set the time separator for John's locale to a period.  (The   */
     /* user locale "Johns_Locale" is assumed to exist.)              */
     /* Note that this won't affect the time format strings like      */
     /* LOCI_sTimeFormat or LOCI_sDateTime (unless those are          */
     /* explicitly changed as well).                                  */
     rc = UniSetUserLocaleItem((UniChar *)L"Johns_Locale",
                               LOCI_sTime, 3, (UniChar *)L".");
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniSetUserLocaleItem error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Save all user locale changes */
     rc = UniCompleteUserLocale();
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCompleteUserLocale error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniStrcat concatenates one Unicode string onto another.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrcat (
    UniChar       *ucs1,    /* IO - String being appended to */
    const UniChar *ucs2     /* I  - String to append         */


ucs1  (UniChar *)
String to be appended to.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
String to concatenate.


Return value  (UniChar *)  -  returns 

Concatenated string.


UniStrcat appends a copy of the Unicode string pointed to by ucs2 (including the terminating null code element) to the end of the Unicode string pointed to by ucs1. The initial code element of ucs2 overwrites the null code element at the end of ucs1. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the results are unpredictable.

Related Functions


This example shows how to concatenate Unicode strings.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[40] = L"computer";
     UniChar    *puni;

     puni = UniStrcat(ucs1, (UniChar *)L" program");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrchr searches for the first occurrence of a Unicode character within a string.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrchr (
    const UniChar *ucs,    /* I  - String being searched   */
    UniChar       uc       /* I  - Character to search for */


ucs  (const UniChar *)
A null-terminated UniChar string to be searched.
uc  (UniChar)
The UniChar search character.


Return value  (UniChar *)

UniStrchr returns either a pointer to the located code element or a null pointer, if the code element does not occur in the string.


UniStrchr locates the first occurrence of uc in the array of code elements pointed to by ucs. The terminating null code element is considered to be part of the string.

Related Functions


This example shows how to search a Unicode string for the first occurence of a code element.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer program";
     UniChar    *puni;
     UniChar    uni_char = L'p';

     puni = UniStrchr(ucs1, uni_char);
     if(puni) {
        printf("The character was found in the string\n");
        return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrcmp compares Unicode strings.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrcmp (
    const UniChar *ucs1,    /* I  - First string to compare  */
    const UniChar *ucs2     /* I  - Second string to compare */


ucs1  (const UniChar *)
Unicode string to be compared.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
Unicode string to be compared.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Less than 0
ucs1 is less than ucs2
ucs1 is equivalent to ucs2
Greater than 0
ucs1 is greater than ucs2

UniStrcmp returns an integer greater than, equal to, or less than zero, according to whether the Unicode string pointed to by ucs1 is greater than, equal to, or less than the Unicode string pointed to by ucs2.


UniStrcmp compares the code element string pointed to by ucs1 to the code element string pointed to by ucs2.

Related Functions


This example shows how to compare Unicode strings.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    ucs2[] = L"program";
     int        result = 0;

     result = UniStrcmp(ucs1, ucs2);
     if ( result == 0 )
         printf("The strings are identical\n");
         printf("The strings are not identical\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrcmpi compares Unicode strings without sensitivity to case.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrcmpi (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object for case conversion */
    const UniChar      *ucs1,            /* I  - First string to compare           */
    const UniChar      *ucs2             /* I  - Second string to compare          */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A valid locale object created by a call to UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
ucs1  (const UniChar *)
A null terminated Unicode character string to be compared.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
A null terminated Unicode character string to be compared.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Less than 0
ucs1 is less than ucs2
ucs1 is equivalent to ucs2
Greater than 0
ucs1 is greater than ucs2


UniStrcmpi compares ucs1 and ucs2 without sensitivity to case. All characters are converted to lowercase before the comparison. The locale object is used to convert the characters to lowercase. The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode casing.

Related Functions


This example shows how to compare Unicode strings without sensitivity to case.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar      ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar      ucs2[] = L"COMPUTER";
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     result = UniStrcmpi(locale_object, ucs1, ucs2);

     if ( result == 0 )
         printf("The strings are identical\n");
         printf("The strings are not identical\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrcoll compares language collation strings.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrcoll (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object            */
    const UniChar      *ucs1,            /* I  - First string to compare  */
    const UniChar      *ucs2             /* I  - Second string to compare */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
ucs1  (const UniChar *)
A string to be compared.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
A string to be compared.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Less than 0
ucs1 is less than ucs2 (according to the collation rules of locale_object)
ucs1 is equivalent to ucs2 (according to the collation rules of locale_object)
Greater than 0
ucs1 is greater than ucs2 (according to the collation rules of locale_object)


UniStrcoll compares the string pointed to by ucs1 to the string pointed to by ucs2, both interpreted as appropriate to the LC_COLLATE category of the locale indicated by the locale object handle argument, locale_object. The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate default Unicode collation.


This example shows how to compare Unicode strings using the collating sequence specified by the locale object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar      ucs1[] = L"axe";
     UniChar      ucs2[] = L"ant";
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     result = UniStrcoll(locale_object, ucs1, ucs2);
     if ( result == 0 )
         printf("The strings are identical\n");
     else if ( result < 0 )
         printf("String1 is less than String2\n");
         printf("String1 is greater than String2\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrcpy copies a Unicode string.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrcpy (
    UniChar       *ucs1,    /* O  - Target string */
    const UniChar *ucs2     /* I  - Source string */


ucs1  (UniChar *)
Target string.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
Source string.


Return value  (UniChar *)

UniStrcpy returns ucs1.


UniStrcpy copies the Unicode string pointed to by ucs2 (including the terminating null code element) into the Unicode pointed to by ucs1. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the results are unpredictable.

Related Functions


This example shows how to copy Unicode strings.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    ucs2[10];
     UniChar    *puni;

     puni = UniStrcpy(ucs2, ucs1);


UniStrcspn searches for the position of characters within a Unicode string.


#include <unidef.h>

size_t UniStrcspn (
    const UniChar *ucs1,    /* I  - String to search         */
    const UniChar *ucs2     /* I  - Characters to search for */


ucs1  (const UniChar *)
String to be searched.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
Array of code elements to search for.


Return value  (size_t)

UniStrcspn returns the index of the first character found in ucs1 which matches any character in ucs2.

If none of the characters in ucs2 occurs in ucs1, the return value will be equal to the number of code elements in ucs1.


The return value from UniStrcspn is equivalent to the length of the maximum initial substring of ucs1 which consists entirely of code elements not in ucs2.

This function is the inverse of UniStrspn.

Related Functions


This example shows how to search Unicode strings.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"This is the source string";
     UniChar    ucs2[] = L"aces";
     size_t     result;

     result = UniStrcspn(ucs1, ucs2);
     if (result < UniStrlen(ucs1))
         printf("The first matching character is at position: %d\n", result );

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrfmon converts a monetary value to a string.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrfmon (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object                 */
    UniChar            *ucs,             /* O  - Target string                 */
    size_t             maxsize,          /* I  - Maximum length of string      */
    const UniChar      *format,          /* I  - String formatting template    */
    ...                                  /* I  - Template conversion arguments */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
ucs  (UniChar *)
Target string.
maxsize  (size_t)
Maximum number of code elements to be placed in the target string.
format  (const UniChar *)
Format to be used when formulating the target string.
...  ( )
Zero or more arguments fetched according to the format string.


Return value  (int)

If the total number of code elements, including the null terminating code element, is not more than maxsize, UniStrfmon returns the number of code elements placed into the array pointed to by ucs, not including the null terminating code element.


UniStrfmon converts numeric values to monetary strings. Characters are placed into the array pointed to by ucs, as controlled by the string pointed to by format. No more than maxsize code elements are placed into the array. The LC_MONETARY category of the locale indicated by locale_object governs the format of the conversion.

The format parameter specifies a character string that can contain plain characters and conversion specifications. Plain characters are copied to the output stream. Conversion specifications result in the fetching of zero or more arguments, which are converted and formatted.

If there are insufficient arguments for the format parameter, the results are undefined. If arguments remain after the format parameter is exhausted, the excess arguments are ignored.

A conversion specification sequence consists of a % (percent) sign, optional flags, optional field width, optional left precision, optional right precision, and a required conversion character that determine the conversion to be performed.

The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate C locale.

UniStrfmon can be called multiple times by including additional format structures, as specified by the format parameter.

One or more of the following flags can be specified to control the conversion:

An = (equals sign) followed by a single character f that specifies the numeric fill character. The default numeric fill character is the space character. This flag does not affect field width filling, which always uses the space character. This flag is ignored unless a left precision is specified. The fill character must be representable in a single byte in order to work with precision and width counts.
Do not format the currency amount with grouping characters. The default is to insert grouping characters if they are defined for the current locale.
+ or (
Determines the representation of positive and negative currency amounts. Only one of these flags may be specified. The locale's equivalent of + and - are used if + is specified. The locale's equivalent of enclosing negative amounts within parentheses is used if ( is specified. If neither flag is included, the + style is used.
Suppresses the currency symbol from the output conversion.
Specifies the alignment. If this flag is present, all fields are left-justified (padded to the right) rather than right-justified.


The decimal-digit string, w, specifies the minimum field width in which the result of the conversion is right-justified (or left-justified if the - flag is specified). The default is zero.


A # (pound sign) followed by a decimal-digit string, n, specifies the maximum number of digits to be formatted to the left of the radix character. This option can be specified to keep formatted output from multiple calls to UniStrfmon aligned in the same columns. It can also be used to fill unused positions with a special character (for example, $***123.45). This option causes an amount to be formatted as if it has the number of digits specified by the n variable. If more than n digit positions are required, this option is ignored. Digit positions in excess of those required are filled with the numeric fill character set with the =f flag.

If defined for the current locale and not suppressed with the ^ flag, grouping separators are inserted before the fill characters (if any) are added. Grouping separators are not applied to fill characters even if the fill character is a digit.


A . (period) followed by a decimal-digit string, p, specifies the number of digits after the radix character. If the value of the p variable is 0, no radix character is used. If a right precision is not specified, a default specified by the current locale is used. The amount being formatted is rounded to the specified number of digits prior to formatting.


The double argument is formatted according to the current locale's international currency format; for example, in the U.S.: USD 1,234.56.
The double argument is formatted according to the current locale's national currency format; for example, in the U.S.: $1,234.56.
Convert to a %; no argument is converted. The entire conversion specification must be %%.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a monetary value to a Unicode string using the specified locale object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar      ucs[20];
     int          max_size = 20;
     int          elements;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* elements contains number of code elements placed into ucs */
     elements = UniStrfmon(locale_object, ucs,
                           max_size, (UniChar *)L"%n", 123.45);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrftime formats date and time.


#include <unidef.h>
#include <time.h>

size_t UniStrftime (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object              */
    UniChar            *ucs,             /* O  - Target string              */
    size_t             maxsize,          /* I  - Maximum length of string   */
    const UniChar      *format,          /* I  - String formatting template */
    const struct tm    *timeptr          /* I  - Date/time to be formatted  */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject.
ucs  (UniChar *)
Target string.
maxsize  (size_t)
Maximum number of characters to be placed in ucs.
format  (const UniChar *)
Format of the target string.
timeptr  (const struct tm *)
Structure containing time and date information.


Return value  (size_t)

If the total number of resulting code elements, including the null code element, is not more than maxsize, the number of code elements placed into the memory location addressed by ucs (not including the null code element) is returned. Otherwise, zero is returned and the contents of the memory location are indeterminate.


UniStrftime converts the internal time and date specification into a character string and places the null-terminated results in the array pointed to by ucs under the direction of format. No more than maxsize code elements are placed into the array. The characters that are converted are determined by the LC_TIME category of the locale indicated by locale_object and by the values in the time structure pointed to by timeptr. The results are unpredictable when objects being copied overlap.

The format parameter is a character string containing two types of objects: plain characters that are simply placed in the output string and conversion specifications that convert information from the timeptr parameter into readable form in the output string.

A % (percent sign) introduces a conversion specification.

The type of conversion is specified by one or two conversion characters. The characters and their meanings are:

Represents the locale's abbreviated weekday name (for example, Sun).
Represents the locale's full weekday name (for example, Sunday).
Represents the locale's abbreviated month name (for example, Jan).
Represents the locale's full month name (for example, January).
Represents the locale's date and time format.
Represents the century as a decimal number (00-99).
Represents the day of the month as a decimal number (01 to 31).
Represents the date in %m/%d/%y format (for example, 01/31/94).
Represents the day of the month as a decimal number ( 1 to 31). A single digit is preceded by a space character.
Same as %b.
Represents the 24-hour-clock hour as a decimal number (00 to 23).
Represents the 12-hour-clock hour as a decimal number (01 to 12).
Represents the day of the year as a decimal number (001 to 366).
Represents the month of the year as a decimal number (01 to 12).
Represents the minute of the hour as a decimal number (00 to 59).
Specifies a new-line character.
Represents the locale's AM or PM string.
Represents the time with AM/PM notation (%I:%M:%S%p).
Represents 24-hour-clock time in the format %H:%M.
Represents the second of the minute as a decimal number (00 to 61).
Specifies a tab character.
Represents the time in the format %H:%M:%S.
Represents the day of the week as a decimal number (1 to 7). 1 represents Monday.
Represents the week of the year as a decimal number (00 to 53). Sunday is considered the first day of the week.
Represents the week of the year as a decimal number (01 to 53). Monday is considered the first day of the week. If the week containing 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1; otherwise, it is week 53 of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
Represents the day of the week as a decimal number (0 to 6). 0 represents Sunday.
Represents the week of the year as a decimal number (00 to 53). Monday is considered the first day of the week. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be week 0.
Represents the locale's date format.
Represents the locale's time format.
Represents the year of the century (00 to 99).
Represents the year with century as a decimal number for example (1994).
Represents the time-zone name or abbreviation if one can be determined (for example EST). Replaced by no bytes if time zone information does not exist.
Specifies a % (percent) sign.

Some conversion specifiers can be modified by the E or O modifier characters to indicate that an alternative format or specification should be used rather than the one normally used by the unmodified conversion specifier. If the alternative format or specification does not exist for the current locale, the behavior will be as if the unmodified conversion specification were used.

Locale's alternative appropriate date and time representation.
is the name of the base year (period) in the locale's alternative representation.
is the locale's alternative date representation.
is the locale's alternative time representation.
is the offset from %EC (year only) in the locale's alternative representation.
is the full alternative year representation.
is the day of the month using the locale's alternative numeric symbols; filled as needed with leading zeros if there is any alternative symbol for zero, otherwise with leading spaces.
is replaced by the day of the month, using the locale's alternative numeric symbols, filled as needed with leading spaces.
is the hour (24-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the hour (12-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the month using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the minutes using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the seconds using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the weekday of the year (Monday = 1) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is replaced by the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the number of the weekday (Sunday=0) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the year (offset from %C) in the locale's alternative representation and using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a date and time to a Unicode string using the specified locale object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     struct tm    *ptime;
     time_t       time_date;
     UniChar      ucs[30];
     int          max_size = 30;
     int          elements;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     time_date = time(NULL);
     ptime = localtime(&time_date);

     /* elements contains number of code elements placed into ucs */
     elements = UniStrftime(locale_object, ucs,
                           max_size, (UniChar *)L"%a %b %d\n %I:%M %p",

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrlen determines the length of a Unicode string.


#include <unidef.h>

size_t UniStrlen (
    const UniChar *ucs    /* I  - Unicode string */


ucs  (const UniChar *)
A null-terminated string composed of UniChar code elements.


Return value  (size_t)

UniStrlen returns the number of code elements that precede the terminating null code element.


UniStrlen computes the length of the code element string pointed to by ucs.


This example shows how to determine the code element count of a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {
    int   elements;

    /* elements contains number of code elements in the Unicode string */
    elements = UniStrlen((UniChar *)L"program");
    return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrlwr converts a Unicode string to lowercase according to the language neutral case mapping tables.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrlwr (
    UniChar *ucsUniStringIn    /* I  - String to convert */


ucsUniStringIn  (UniChar *)  -  input
Unicode string to be mapped to lowercase.


Return value  (UniChar *)  -  returns

Converted lowercase string.


The input string must be null-terminated.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode string to lowercase.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar   *plwr_unistr;

     /* plwr_unistr points to the converted lowercase Unicode string */
     plwr_unistr = UniStrlwr((UniChar *)L"IBM");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrncat concatenates up to a maximum number of characters from one Unicode string onto another.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrncat (
    UniChar       *ucs1,    /* IO - String being appended to       */
    const UniChar *ucs2,    /* I  - String to append               */
    size_t        n         /* I  - Number of characters to append */


ucs1  (UniChar *)
String to be appended to.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
String to concatenate.
n  (size_t)
The maximum number of code elements in ucs2 to concatenate.


Return value  (UniChar *)  -  returns

Concatenated string.


UniStrncat appends not more than n code elements (a null code element and code elements that follow it are not appended) from the code element array pointed to by ucs2 to the end of the code element string pointed to by ucs1. The initial code element of ucs2 overwrites the null code element at the end of ucs1. A terminating null code element is always appended to the result. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the results are unpredictable.

Related Functions


This example shows how to concatenate a specific number of code elements onto a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[40] = L"computer";
     size_t     num_elems = 3;

     UniStrncat(ucs1, (UniChar *)L" program", num_elems);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrncmp compares up to a maximum number of characters from two Unicode strings.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrncmp (
    const UniChar *ucs1,    /* I  - First string to compare         */
    const UniChar *ucs2,    /* I  - Second string to compare        */
    size_t        n         /* I  - Number of characters to compare */


ucs1  (const UniChar *)
String to compare.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
String to compare.
n  (size_t)
The maximum number of code elements to compare.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Less than 0
ucs1 is less than ucs2
ucs1 is equivalent to ucs2
Greater than 0
ucs1 is greater than ucs2

UniStrncmp returns an integer greater than, equal to, or less than zero. The integer returned depends on whether the possibly null-terminated code element array pointed to by ucs1 is greater than, equal to, or less than the possibly null-terminated code element array pointed to by ucs2.


UniStrncmp compares not more than n code elements (code elements that follow a null code element are not compared) from the code element array pointed to by ucs1 to the code element array pointed to by ucs2.

Related Functions


This example shows how to compare a specific number of code elements.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    ucs2[] = L"computer program";
     size_t     num_elems = 3;
     int        result = 0;

     result = UniStrncmp(ucs1, ucs2, num_elems);
     if ( result == 0 )
         printf("The strings are identical\n");
         printf("The strings are not identical\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrncmpi compares up to a maximum number of characters from two Unicode strings without sensitivity to case.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrncmpi (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object for case conversion */
    const UniChar      *ucs1,            /* I  - First string to compare           */
    const UniChar      *ucs2,            /* I  - Second string to compare          */
    const size_t       n                 /* I  - Number of characters to compare   */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A valid locale object created by a call to UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
ucs1  (const UniChar *)
A null-terminated Unicode string to be compared.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
A null-terminated Unicode string to be compared.
n  (const size_t)
The maximum number of code elements to compare.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Less than 0
ucs1 is less than ucs2
ucs1 is equivalent to ucs2
Greater than 0
ucs1 is greater than ucs2


UniStrncmpi compares ucs1 and ucs2 without sensitivity to case. All n code elements are converted to lowercase before the comparison. The locale object is used to convert the characters to lowercase. A maximum of n code elements are compared. The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate Unicode casing.

Related Functions


This example shows how to compare a specific number of code elements without sensitivity to case.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject  locale_object;
     UniChar       ucs1[] = L"COMPUTER";
     UniChar       ucs2[] = L"computer program";
     size_t        num_elems = 3;
     int           result = 0;
     int           rc;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     result = UniStrncmpi(locale_object, ucs1, ucs2, num_elems);
     if ( result == 0 )
         printf("The strings are identical\n");
         printf("The strings are not identical\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrncpy copies a Unicode string up to a maximum number of characters.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrncpy (
    UniChar       *ucs1,    /* O  - Target string                */
    const UniChar *ucs2,    /* I  - Source string                */
    size_t        n         /* I  - Number of characters to copy */


ucs1  (UniChar *)
Target string.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
Source string.
n  (size_t)
The maximum number of code elements in ucs2 to copy.


Return value  (UniChar *)

UniStrncpy returns ucs1.


UniStrncpy copies not more than n code elements (code elements that follow a null code element are not copied) from the code element array pointed to by ucs2 to the code element array pointed to by ucs1. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the results are unpredictable. If the code element array pointed to by ucs2 is a code element string that is shorter than n code elements, null code elements are appended to the copy in the code element array pointed to by ucs1, until n code elements, in all, have been written.

Related Functions


This example shows how to copy a specific number of code elements in a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    ucs2[10];
     UniChar    *puni;
     size_t     num_elems = 4;

     puni = UniStrncpy(ucs2, ucs1, num_elems);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrpbrk searches for characters within a Unicode string.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrpbrk (
    const UniChar *ucs1,    /* I  - String to search         */
    const UniChar *ucs2     /* I  - Characters to search for */


ucs1  (const UniChar *)
String to be searched.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
String to search for.


Return value  (UniChar *)

UniStrpbrk returns a pointer to the first character found in ucs1 which matches a character in ucs2, or a null pointer if ucs1 and ucs2 have no characters in common.


UniStrpbrk locates the first occurrence, in the string pointed to by ucs1, of any code element from the code element string pointed to by ucs2.

Related Functions


This example shows how to locate code elements in a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    ucs2[] = L"put";
     UniChar    *puni;

     puni = UniStrpbrk(ucs1, ucs2);
     if (puni)
         printf("The sub string was found\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrptime converts date and time.


#include <unidef.h>
#include <time.h>

UniChar *UniStrptime (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object               */
    const UniChar      *buf,             /* I  - Source string               */
    const UniChar      *fmt,             /* I  - String format specification */
    struct tm          *tm               /* O  - Converted date/time data    */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject.
buf  (const UniChar *)
String to be converted.
fmt  (const UniChar *)
Format of the source string.
tm  (struct tm *)
Time/data structure to receive the time/data information held in the string buf.


Return value  (UniChar *)

Returns a pointer to the character following the last character; otherwise, a NULL pointer is returned and the contents of the tm structure are undefined.


UniStrptime converts the character string pointed to by buf to a time value, which is stored in the structure pointed to by tm, using the format specified by fmt. A pointer to the character following the last character in the string pointed to by buf is returned.

The character string pointed to by fmt consists of field descriptors and text characters, similar to the scanf library function. Each field descriptor consists of a % character followed by another character that specifies the replacement for the field descriptor. The type of conversion is specified by one or two conversion characters. The characters and their meanings are specified in the Format Strings and Modified Directives sections.


Day of the week, abbreviated or full name may be specified (for example Sun).
Same as %a.
Represents the locale's month name, abbreviated or fullname may be specified.
Same as %b.
Represents the locale's date and time format.
Represents the century number (0 to 99).
Represents the day of the month as a decimal number (01 to 31).
Represents the date in %m/%d/%y format (for example, 01/31/91).
Same as %d.
Same as %b.
Represents the 24-hour-clock hour as a decimal number (00 to 23).
Represents the 12-hour-clock hour as a decimal number (01 to 12).
Represents the day of the year as a decimal number (001 to 366).
Represents the month of the year as a decimal number (01 to 12).
Represents the minute of the hour as a decimal number (00 to 59).
Represents any white space.
Represents the locale's AM or PM string.
Represents the time as %I:%M:%S%p.
Represents the time as %H:%M.
Represents the second of the minute as a decimal number (00 to 61).
Represents any white space.
Represents time in the format %H:%M:%S.
Represents the week of the year as a decimal number (00 to 53). Sunday is considered the first day of the week.
Represents the day of the week as a decimal number (0 to 6). Sunday is considered as 0.
Represents the week of the year as a decimal number (00 to 53). Monday is considered the first day of the week.
Represents the locale's date format.
Represents the locale's time format.
Represents the year of the century (00 to 99).
Represents the year with century as a decimal number (for example 1994).
Specifies a % (percent) sign.


Some directives can be modified by the E and O modifier characters to indicate that an alternative format or specification should be used rather than the one normally used by the unmodified directive. If the alternative format or specification does not exist in the current locale, the behavior will be as if the unmodified directive were used.

is the locale's alternative appropriate date and time representation.
is the name of the base year (period) in the locale's alternative representation.
is the locale's alternative date representation.
is the locale's alternative time representation.
is the offset from %EC (year only) in the locale's alternative representation.
is the full alternative year representation.
is the day of the month using the locale's alternative numeric symbols; leading zeros are permitted but not required.
is the same as %Od.
is the hour (24-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the hour (12-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the month using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the minutes using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the seconds using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the number of the weekday (Sunday=0) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
is the year (offset from %C) in the locale's alternative representation and using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.

A format specification consisting of white-space characters is performed by reading input until the first nonwhite-space character (which is not read) or no more characters can be read.

A format specification consisting of an ordinary character is performed by reading the next character from the string parameter. If this character differs from the character comprising the directive, the directive fails and the differing character and any characters following it remain unread. Case is ignored when matching string items, such as month or weekday names.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a time date string to a time structure.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject  locale_object;
     UniChar       uni_fmt[] = L"%A %b %d %r %Y";
     UniChar       uni_time_str[] = L"Wednesday Oct 23 03:07:00 PM 1995";
     UniChar       *puni;
     struct tm     convrt_time;
     int           rc;

     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"en_US", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     puni = UniStrptime(locale_object, uni_time_str, uni_fmt,
     if ( puni == NULL ) {
         printf("UniStrptime error\n");
         return (1);
         return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrrchr locates the last occurrence of a character in a Unicode string.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrrchr (
    const UniChar *ucs,    /* I  - String to search        */
    UniChar       uc       /* I  - Character to search for */


ucs  (const UniChar *)
String to be searched.
uc  (UniChar)
UniChar code element to search for.


Return value  (UniChar *)

UniStrrchr returns either a pointer to the found character, or a null pointer if uc does not occur in the Unicode string.


UniStrrchr locates the last occurrence of uc in the code element string pointed to by ucs. The terminating null code element is considered to be part of the string.

Related Functions


This example shows how to locate the last occurrence of a code element in a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    uc = L't';
     UniChar    *puni;

     puni = UniStrrchr(ucs, uc);
     if (puni)
         printf("The character is contained in the string\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrspn determines the length of the initial substring of a Unicode string that consists only of the specified characters.


#include <unidef.h>

size_t UniStrspn (
    const UniChar *ucs1,    /* I  - String to search         */
    const UniChar *ucs2     /* I  - Characters to search for */


ucs1  (const UniChar *)
String to be searched.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
Array of code elements to search for.


Return value  (size_t)

UniStrspn returns the index of the first character found in ucs1 which does not occur in ucs2.

If all of the characters in ucs1 occur in ucs2, the return value will be equal to the number of code elements in ucs1.


The return value from UniStrspn is equivalent to the length of the maximum initial substring of ucs1 which consists entirely of code elements from ucs2.

This function is the inverse of UniStrcspn.

Related Functions


This example shows how to determine the number of elements in a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    ucs2[] = L"omc";
     size_t     num_elems = 0;

     num_elems = UniStrspn(ucs1, ucs2);
     if (num_elems > 0)
         printf("The first %d characters were found\n", num_elems);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrstr locates a substring within a Unicode string.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrstr (
    const UniChar *ucs1,    /* I  - String to search     */
    const UniChar *ucs2     /* I  - String to search for */


ucs1  (const UniChar *)
String to be searched.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)
Sequence of characters to search for.


Return value  (UniChar *)

UniStrstr returns either a pointer to the located substring, or a null pointer if the substring is not found.

If ucs2 points to a code element string with zero length, the function returns ucs1.


UniStrstr locates the first occurrence, in the Unicode string pointed to by ucs1, of the sequence of code elements (excluding the terminating null code element) specified in the Unicode string pointed to by ucs2.

Related Functions


This example shows how to locate a code element sequence in a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs1[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    ucs2[] = L"put";
     UniChar    *puni;

     puni = UniStrstr(ucs1, ucs2);
     if (puni)
         printf("The code element sequence was found\n");

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrtod converts a character string to double-precision floating point.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrtod (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object       */
    const UniChar      *nptr,            /* I  - String to convert   */
    UniChar            **endptr,         /* O  - Leftover characters */
    double             *result           /* O  - Converted value     */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject.
nptr  (const UniChar *)
String to be converted.
endptr  (UniChar **)
A pointer to the first character that is not recognized as being part of a number.
result  (double *)
Resulting double-precision floating-point number.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The function was successful.
Invalid locale object specified.
The endptr or result argument contains an invalid pointer value. The reliable detection of this error is implementation dependent.
The conversion resulted in an out-of-range condition.


UniStrtod converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by nptr to double-precision floating-point representation. First, it decomposes the input string into three parts:

  1. An initial, possibly empty, sequence of white-space characters (as indicated by the space attribute).
  2. A subject sequence resembling a floating-point constant.
  3. A final string of one or more unrecognized characters, including the terminating null character of the input string.

Then, it attempts to convert the subject sequence to a floating-point number, and returns the result in the area pointed to by result. A pointer to the final string is stored in the object pointed to by endptr, provided that endptr is not a null pointer.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode string to a double precision floating point number.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject  locale_object;
     UniChar       uni_string[] = L"3.1415926This stopped it";
     UniChar       *uni_stop_string;
     double        double_num;
     int           rc;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     rc = UniStrtod(locale_object, uni_string, &uni_stop_string,
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniStrtod error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     else {
       printf("The double precision number is %f\n", double_num);
       return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrtok converts a Unicode string to tokens.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrtok (
    UniChar       *ucsString1,    /* I  - String to tokenize   */
    const UniChar *ucsString2     /* I  - Delimiter characters */


ucsString1  (UniChar *)  -  input
Unicode string containing zero or more tokens.

ucsString1 is a string of zero or more tokens. The tokens in ucsString1 can be separated by one or more of the delimiters in ucsString2. UniStrtok does not support the passing of NULL for ucsString1 parameter as is supported in the ANSI C strtok function.

ucsString2  (const UniChar *)  -  input
Set of UniChar characters that can be used as delimiters.

ucsString2 is the set of characters serving as delimiters of the tokens in ucsString1.


Return value  (UniChar *)  -  returns 

Pointer to the first token.


UniStrtok will return the first token in the string specified in ucsString1. UniStrtok replaces the delimiter character with 0x0000 and returns a pointer to the token.

Related Functions


This example shows how to tokenize a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    *uni_string = L"a string, of, ,tokens";
     UniChar    *puni_token;
     int        uni_len1;
     int        uni_len2;
     int        token_count = 0;

     uni_len1 = UniStrlen(uni_string);
     puni_token = UniStrtok(uni_string, (UniChar *)L",");

     /* Continue to loop through the string looking for tokens */
        uni_len2 = UniStrlen(puni_token) + 1;
        puni_token += uni_len2;
        if(puni_token < uni_string + uni_len1)
           puni_token = UniStrtok(puni_token, (UniChar *)L",");
     } while (1);
     printf("%d tokens were found\n", token_count);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrtol converts a character string to a long integer.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrtol (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object       */
    const UniChar      *nptr,            /* I  - String to convert   */
    UniChar            **endptr,         /* O  - Leftover characters */
    int                base,             /* I  - Number base (radix) */
    long int           *result           /* O  - Converted value     */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
nptr  (const UniChar *)
String to be converted.
endptr  (UniChar **)
A pointer to the first character that is not recognized as being part of a number.
base  (int)
The radix used to perform conversion.
result  (long int *)
The resulting integer.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The function was successful.
Invalid locale object specified.
The endptr or result argument contains an invalid pointer value. The reliable detection of this error is implementation-dependent.
The conversion resulted in an out-of-range condition.


The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate the C locale.

UniStrtol converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by nptr to long int representation. First, it decomposes the input string into three parts:

  1. An initial, possibly empty, sequence of white-space characters (as indicated by the space attribute).
  2. A subject sequence, resembling an integer, that is represented in the radix and determined by the value of base.
  3. A final string of one or more unrecognized characters, including the ending null character of the input string.

Then, it attempts to convert the subject sequence to an unsigned integer, and returns the result in the area pointed to by result. A pointer to the final string is stored in the object pointed to by endptr, provided that endptr is not a null pointer.

If the value of base is between 2 and 36, the letters a (or A) to z (or Z), inclusive, are ascribed the values 10 to 35. Only letters whose ascribed value is less than base are permitted.

If base is set to 0, the expected form of the subject sequence is a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant. Decimal constants begin with a nonzero digit. Octal constants begin with 0. Hexadecimal constants begin with 0x or 0X.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode string to a long integer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject  locale_object;
     UniChar       uni_string[] = L"110134932";
     UniChar       *uni_stop_string;
     long int      long_num;
     int           rc;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     rc = UniStrtol(locale_object, uni_string, &uni_stop_string,
                    10, &long_num);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniStrtol error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     else {
       printf("The long integer is %ld\n", long_num);
       return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrtoul converts a character string to an unsigned long integer.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniStrtoul (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object       */
    const UniChar      *nptr,            /* I  - String to convert   */
    UniChar            **endptr,         /* O  - Leftover characters */
    int                base,             /* I  - Number base (radix) */
    unsigned long int  *result           /* O  - Converted value     */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
nptr  (const UniChar *)
String to be converted.
endptr  (UniChar **)
A pointer to the first character that is not recognized as being part of a number.
base  (int)
The radix used to perform conversion.
result  (unsigned long int *)
The resulting unsigned long integer.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The function was successful.
Invalid locale object specified.
The endptr or result argument contains an invalid pointer value. The reliable detection of this error is implementation dependent.
The conversion resulted in an out-of-range condition.

Related Functions


The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate the C locale.

UniStrtoul converts the initial portion of the string pointed to by nptr to unsigned long int representation. First, it decomposes the input string into three parts:

  1. An initial, possibly empty, sequence of white-space characters (as indicated by the space attribute).
  2. A subject sequence resembling an unsigned integer represented in some radix determined by the value of base.
  3. A final string of one or more unrecognized characters, including the terminating null character of the input string.

Then, it attempts to convert the subject sequence to an unsigned integer, and returns the result in the area pointed to by result. A pointer to the final string is stored in the object pointed to by endptr, provided that endptr is not a null pointer.

If the value of base is between 2 and 36, the letters a (or A) to z (or Z) inclusive are ascribed the values 10 to 35. Only letters whose ascribed value is less than base are permitted.

If base is set to 0, the expected form of the subject sequence is a decimal, octal or hexadecimal constant. Decimal constants begin with a nonzero digit. Octal constants begin with 0. Hexadecimal constants begin with 0x or 0X.


This example shows how to convert a Unicode string to an unsigned long integer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject       locale_object;
     UniChar            uni_string[] = L"110134932";
     UniChar            *uni_stop_string;
     unsigned long int  long_num;
     int                rc;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     rc = UniStrtoul(locale_object, uni_string, &uni_stop_string,
                    10, &long_num);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniStrtoul error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     else {
       printf("The unsigned long integer is %lu\n", long_num);
       return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrupr converts a Unicode string to uppercase according to the language neutral case mapping tables.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar *UniStrupr (
    UniChar *ucsUniStringIn    /* I  - String to convert */


ucsUniStringIn  (UniChar *)  -  input
Unicode string to be mapped to uppercase.


Return value  (UniChar *)  -  returns

Converted uppercase string.


The input string must be null-terminated.

Related Functions


This example shows how to uppercase Unicode strings according to the language neutral case mapping tables.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    ucs[] = L"computer";
     UniChar    *puni;

     puni = UniStrupr(ucs);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniStrxfrm transforms a character string into collating weights.


#include <unidef.h>

size_t UniStrxfrm (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object         */
    UniChar            *ucs1,            /* O  - Target string         */
    const UniChar      *ucs2,            /* I  - Source string         */
    size_t             n                 /* I  - Size of target string */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
ucs1  (UniChar *)  -  output
Target transformed string.
ucs2  (const UniChar *)  -  input
Source string to be transformed.
n  (size_t)  -  input
Maximum number of code elements to be placed in ucs1.


Return value  (size_t)  -  returns

UniStrxfrm returns the length of the transformed string (not including the terminating null code element). If the value returned is n or more, the contents of the array pointed to by ucs1 are indeterminate. If ucs1 is a null pointer, UniStrxfrm returns the number of elements required to contain the transformed character string.


UniStrxfrm transforms the string pointed to by ucs2 to values that represent character collating weights and places the resulting string into the array pointed to by ucs1. The transformation is such that, if UniStrcmp is applied to two transformed strings, it returns a value greater than, equal to, or less than 0, corresponding to the result of UniStrcoll applied to the same two original strings.

No more than n elements are placed into the resulting array pointed to by ucs1, including the terminating null code element. If n is zero, ucs1 is permitted to be a null pointer.

If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the results are unpredictable.

UniStrxfrm is controlled by the LC_COLLATE category of the locale as indicated by the locale object handle argument, locale_object. The locale may be specified as NULL to indicate Unicode collation.


This example shows how to collect character collating weights from Unicode strings using the specified locale object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     UniChar      *pucs1;
     UniChar      *pucs2 = L"computer";
     int          num_elems = 8;
     int          num_elems_trx = 0;
     int          result = 0;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Calculate the space needed for the collating weights             */
     num_elems = UniStrxfrm (locale_object, NULL, pucs2, 0);
     pucs1 = (UniChar *) malloc((num_elems + 1) * sizeof(UniChar));
        return 1;

     /* Obtain the collating weights for the Unicode string.             */
     /* num_elems_trx should be less than num_elems                      */
     num_elems_trx = UniStrxfrm (locale_object, pucs1,
                                 pucs2, num_elems + 1);
     if(num_elems_trx >= (num_elems + 1)) {
       printf("UniStrxfrm error:\n");
       return 1;

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniTolower converts a Unicode character to lowercase according to the language neutral case mapping tables.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar UniTolower (
    UniChar ucUniCharIn    /* I  - Character to convert */


ucUniCharIn  (UniChar)  -  input
Unicode character to be mapped to lowercase.


Return value  (UniChar)  -  returns

Converted lowercase character.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode character to lowercase according to the language neutral case mapping tables.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    uni_upr = L'C';
     UniChar    uni_lwr;

     uni_lwr = UniTolower(uni_upr);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniToupper converts a Unicode character to uppercase according to the language neutral case mapping tables.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar UniToupper (
    UniChar ucUniCharIn    /* I  - Character to convert */


ucUniCharIn  (UniChar)  -  input
Unicode character to be mapped to uppercase.


Return value  (UniChar)  -  returns

Converted uppercase character.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode character to uppercase according to the language neutral case mapping tables.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar    uni_lwr = L'c';
     UniChar    uni_upr;

     uni_upr = UniToupper(uni_lwr);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniTransformStr transforms strings according to a XformObject created by UniCreateTransformObject.


#include <unidef.h>

int UniTransformStr (
    XformObject   xform_object,    /* I  - Transform object                      */
    const UniChar *InpBuf,         /* I  - String to transform                   */
    int           *InpSize,        /* IO - Number of characters to transform     */
    UniChar       *OutBuf,         /* O  - Target string                         */
    int           *OutSize         /* IO - Number of characters in target string */


xform_object  (XformObject)
An transform object created by UniCreateTransformObject.
InpBuf  (const UniChar *)
String to be transformed.
InpSize  (int *)
Number of code elements in InpBuf.
OutBuf  (UniChar *)
Target string.
OutSize  (int *)
Number of code elements that OutBuf can hold.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Transformation completed without errors.
The transform object was not found.


UniTransformStr transforms a UniChar character string as specified by the transformation object handle xform_object for the LC_CTYPE category. This category applies to the locale object that was used to create the transformation handle xform_object (by UniCreateTransformObject). The text from the input buffer is transformed and the result is placed in the output buffer. Any characters not included in the transformation type referenced by xform_object are moved, to the output buffer, unchanged.

The InpSize argument, on input, specifies the number of code elements to be transformed. A value of -1 indicates that the input is delimited by a UniChar null character (0x0000). On return, the value is modified to the actual number of code elements processed in the source string.

The OutSize argument, on input, specifies the size of the output buffer (number of code elements). On return, the value is modified to the actual number of code elements placed in OutBuf.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and use a transform object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject locale_object = NULL;
     XformObject  xform_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
     int          in_unistr_elem = 0;
     int          out_unistr_elem = 10;
     UniChar      *pin_unistr = (UniChar *)L"os2";
     UniChar      out_unistr[10];

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Create an upper case transform object */
     rc = UniCreateTransformObject(locale_object,
                                  (UniChar *)L"upper", &xform_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateTransformObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Calculate the number of elements to transform */
     in_unistr_elem = UniStrlen (pin_unistr) + 1;

     /* Make call to transform input string to uppercase */
     rc = UniTransformStr(xform_object, pin_unistr,
                         &in_unistr_elem, out_unistr,
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniTransformStr error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniTransLower converts a Unicode character to lowercase using the specified locale.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar UniTransLower (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object for case conversion */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to convert              */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The character to be transformed.


Return value  (UniChar)

UniTransLower returns the transformed character. The input character is returned if there is no transformation defined for the character in locale_object.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode character to lowercase.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject  locale_object;
     UniChar       uni_upr = L'C';
     UniChar       uni_lwr;
     int           rc;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     uni_lwr = UniTransLower(locale_object, uni_upr);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);


UniTransUpper converts a Unicode character to uppercase using the specified locale.


#include <unidef.h>

UniChar UniTransUpper (
    const LocaleObject locale_object,    /* I  - Locale object for case conversion */
    UniChar            uc                /* I  - Character to convert              */


locale_object  (const LocaleObject)
A locale object created by UniCreateLocaleObject or NULL.
uc  (UniChar)
The character to be transformed.


Return value  (UniChar)

This function returns the transformed character. The input character is returned if there is no transformation defined for the character in locale_object.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode character to uppercase.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unidef.h>

int main(void) {

     LocaleObject  locale_object;
     UniChar       uni_lwr = L'c';
     UniChar       uni_upr;
     int           rc;

     /* Assumes LANG environment variable set to a valid locale name, */
     /* such as fr_FR                                                 */
     rc = UniCreateLocaleObject(UNI_UCS_STRING_POINTER,
                               (UniChar *)L"", &locale_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateLocaleObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     uni_upr = UniTransUpper(locale_object, uni_lwr);

     return (ULS_SUCCESS);

Codepage Conversion Functions

It is expected that most of the processing by applications using the ULS will be done using UniChar* strings. However, many applications will need to export data to and import data from non-UCS encodings (for example, ASCII or EBCDIC). For this purpose, a set of functions is defined to perform conversions between UCS and non-UCS encodings. These functions are capable of doing only UCS conversions, such as converting to/from UCS.

Note: "UCS" and "Unicode" are used more or less interchangeably throughout this document. UCS refers to the encoding format (UCS-2) by which Unicode characters are represented: a UCS string is a Unicode string in the basic multilingual plane.

Non-UCS codepages (whose encoding is based on the char data type as opposed to UniChars) are referred to as "multi-byte character sets" (MBCS).


UniCreateUconvObject creates and initializes a Unicode conversion object.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniCreateUconvObject (
    UniChar     *cpname,         /* I  - UCS conversion specifier */
    UconvObject *uconv_object    /* O  - Conversion object handle */


cpname  (UniChar *)
Name of the UCS conversion.
uconv_object  (UconvObject *)
The conversion object being returned.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Conversion object successfully initialized.
The conversion specified by cpname or the modifier supplied is not recognized by the implementation.
The current process has the maximum number of file descriptors open.
Too many files are currently open in the system.
Insufficient memory.


UniCreateUconvObject returns a conversion object that describes a UCS-2 conversion between the code page specified by cpname and UCS.

A conversion object remains valid until it is freed.

The cpname field is normally the Unicode string IBM- followed by the decimal number of the code page. Other names may be used. UCONV tables are kept in the \language\codepage directory on the boot drive.

If the cpname parameter contains an empty string, UniCreateUconvObject will create a conversion object based upon the value of the process codepage setting.

UniCreateUconvObject allows modifiers to be concatenated onto cpname; these modifiers change the default behavior of conversion objects. The caller can concatenate the following modifiers onto cpname.

Modifiers are separated from the conversion object name by an at sign (@), and multiple modifiers are separated by a comma (,).


All characters less than space, and 0x7F, are controls (default).
All characters less than space, and 0x7F, are glyphs.
Use IBM standard control conversion.
CR and LF are controls, others are glyphs.


When performing Unicode conversions strings are assumed to contain pathnames. This setting is only applicable when converting to or from DBCS codepages (default).
When performing Unicode conversions strings are assumed to contain non path data. This setting is only applicable when converting to or from DBCS codepages.


source applies when converting from Unicode (UniUconvFromUcs); target applies when converting to Unicode (UniUconvToUcs). If only one endian is given, it applies to both source and target.

The endian type can be one of the following:

Use system endian (default).
Use big endian.
Use little endian.

For example



Perform substitutions when converting to and from Unicode.
Do not perform substitutions when converting to and from Unicode.
Only perform substitutions when converting to Unicode.
Only perform substitutions when converting from Unicode (default).
Where XX is a hex number.
Where N is a decimal number. The substitution character attribute specifies which character the conversion object should use when there is no identical character for a given code element while converting from Unicode.
Where XX is a hex number.
Where XXXX is a hex number. The substitution character attribute specifies which character the conversion object should use when there is no identical character for a given code element while converting to Unicode.

Examples of typical usage


This example creates a conversion object based upon an IBM-942 encoding. When conversions are performed all strings will be treated as pathnames and all characters less than space will be considered to be glyphs.


This example creates a conversion object based upon the current process codepage setting. When conversions are performed all strings will be treated as pathnames and no substitutions will occur.


This example creates a conversion object based upon an IBM-850 encoding. When conversions are performed all strings will be treated as non pathnames and substitutions will occur when converting to and from Unicode if necessary.

UniCreateUconvObject returns a conversion object in uconv_object for use in subsequent calls to UniUconvFromUcs / UniUconvToUcs or UniStrFromUcs / UniStrToUcs.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create a conversion object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

     UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
     /* setting with the path modifier enabled and the substitution      */
     /* character set to 0x3F ('?')                                      */
     rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"@path=yes,subchar=\\x3F",
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniFreeUconvObject frees a conversion object.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniFreeUconvObject (
    UconvObject uconv_object    /* I  - Conversion object */


uconv_object  (UconvObject)
Conversion object created by a call to UniCreateUconvObject.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

All resources associated with uconv_object have been successfully freed.
The uconv_object argument is not a valid conversion object.


UniFreeUconvObject closes the conversion object.

Related Functions


This example shows how to create and free a conversion object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

     UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
     /* setting with the path modifier enabled                           */
     rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"@path=yes", &uconv_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     /* Free the conversion object                                       */
     rc = UniFreeUconvObject(uconv_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniFreeUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniMapCpToUcsCp converts a code page number into a codepage represented as a UniChar string that is acceptable as input to UniCreateUconvObject.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniMapCpToUcsCp (
    unsigned long ulCodepage,      /* I  - Codepage to convert   */
    UniChar       *ucsCodepage,    /* O  - Output buffer         */
    size_t        n                /* I  - Size of output buffer */


ulCodepage  (unsigned long)  -  input
A codepage as returned from DosQueryCp. If the value is zero the current process codepage value will be used in determining the returned Unicode string.
ucsCodepage  (UniChar *)  -  output
A buffer for placing the converted codepage name.
n  (size_t)  -  input
Size of the ucsCodepage buffer in Unicode characters. This should be at least 12 Unicode characters.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The codepage number was successfully converted to a Unicode string.
An invalid codepage number or buffer was passed in; the contents of ucsCodepage are undefined.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a codepage number to a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

     UniChar      ucs_code_page[12];
     size_t       num_elems = 12;
     UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
     int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Convert a code page number to a unichar string                   */
     rc = UniMapCpToUcsCp(850, ucs_code_page, num_elems);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniMapCpToUcsCp error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;
     rc = UniCreateUconvObject(ucs_code_page, &uconv_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniQueryUconvObject queries the attributes of a conversion object.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniQueryUconvObject (
    UconvObject       uobj,             /* I  - Conversion object                       */
    uconv_attribute_t *attr,            /* O  - Conversion attributes                   */
    size_t            size,             /* I  - Size of attribute structure             */
    char              first[ 256 ],     /* O  - Lead bytes for multibyte characters     */
    char              other[ 256 ],     /* O  - Trailing bytes for multibyte characters */
    udcrange_t        udcrange[ 32 ]    /* O  - User defined character range            */


uobj  (UconvObject)  -  input
The conversion object created by a call to UniCreateUconvObject.
attr  (uconv_attribute_t *)  -  output
Pointer to uconv_attribute_t; receives attribute information.
size  (size_t )  -  input
Specifies the size of the attribute buffer. This must be at least as large as version 0 of the uconv_attribute_t structure.
first[ 256 ]  (char)  -  output
Gives an array of starting bytes (based on the array index) for a multibyte character set. For some forms of stateful code pages, the length is based on state and not this table. If this parameter is NULL, no value is returned. Each byte has one of the following values:

Valid single-byte character.
Valid lead byte for a two-byte character.
Valid lead byte for a three-byte character.
Valid lead byte for a four-byte character.
Invalid code point for this codepage.
other[ 256 ]  (char)  -  output
An array indicating when the byte is used as a secondary byte in a multibyte sequence. This is used to allocate buffers. There are two possible values for each byte:

This is not used as a secondary character.
This is used as a secondary character.

Note: Some codepages may not set this flag correctly.

udcrange[ 32 ]  (udcrange_t)  -  output
A set of ranges of characters that make up the user-defined character range.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

The conversion object data was successfully returned
The conversion object specified is not recognized by the implementation.


UniQueryUconvObject queries the attributes and characteristics of the given conversion object. The attributes are used to modify the default conversion.

The substitution character attributes specify to the conversion object how to perform in cases that there is no identical character for a given code element. UniQueryUconvObject may be used to query the substitution characters used by the conversion.

Some of these are static and bound to the conversion table; others are settable through UniSetUconvObject.

The attr, first, other, and udcrange parameters can be NULL to indicate that this data should not be returned.

See uconv_attribute_t to see the conversion object attributes; the structure indicates which fields can be queried and which can be set through UniSetUconvObject.

Related Functions


This example shows how to query a conversion object.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

    uconv_attribute_t   ucattr;
    UconvObject         uconv_object = NULL;
    int                 rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

    /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
    /* setting with the path modifier set                               */
    rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"@path=yes", &uconv_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;

    /* Query the conversion object                                      */
    rc = UniQueryUconvObject(uconv_object, &ucattr,
                             sizeof(uconv_attribute_t), NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniQueryUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;

    /* Print the results */
    printf("Version:                                 %u\n",
           ucattr.version );
    printf("Minimum size of a codepage character:    %u\n",
           ucattr.mb_min_len );
    printf("Maximum size of a codepage character:    %u\n",
           ucattr.mb_max_len );
    printf("Minimum size of a UCS character:         %u\n",
           ucattr.usc_min_len );
    printf("Maximum size of a UCS character:         %u\n",
           ucattr.usc_max_len );
    printf("Encoding scheme ID:                      0x%X\n",
           ucattr.esid );
    printf("Substitution flag:                       %u\n",
           ucattr.options );
    printf("Conversion state:                        %u\n",
           ucattr.state );
    printf("Endian type when converting to UCS:      0x%04X\n",
           ucattr.endian.target );
    printf("Endian type when converting from UCS:    0x%04X\n",
           ucattr.endian.source );
    printf("Display mask for characters below space: 0x%08X\n",
           ucattr.displaymask );
    printf("Conversion type:                         0x%08X\n",
           ucattr.converttype );
    printf("Size of codepage substitution character: %u\n",
           ucattr.subchar_len );
    printf("Size of UCS substitution character:      %u\n",
           ucattr.subuni_len );
    printf("Codepage substitution character:         0x");
    for ( i = 0; i < ucattr.subchar_len; i++ )
        printf("%02X", ucattr.subchar[i] );
    printf("UCS substitution character:              0x");
    for ( i = 0; i < ucattr.subuni_len; i++ )
        printf("%04X", ucattr.subuni[i] );

    /* Free the allocated memory                                         */
    rc = UniFreeUconvObject(uconv_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
        printf("UniFreeUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
        return 1;

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniSetUconvObject sets the attributes of a conversion object.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniSetUconvObject (
    UconvObject       uconv_object,    /* I  - Conversion object     */
    uconv_attribute_t *attr_t          /* I  - Conversion attributes */


uconv_object  (UconvObject)  -  input
The conversion object created by a call to UniCreateUconvObject.
attr_t  (uconv_attribute_t *)  -  input
The uconv_attribute_t structure, which the caller sets with values of the conversion object attributes. The caller can set these fields:


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Indicates success.
Indicates an invalid parameter.


UniSetUconvObject sets the attributes of the given conversion object. The attributes are used to modify the default conversion. It is left up to each conversion to decide which attributes it will recognize.

The substitution character attributes specify to the conversion object how to perform in cases that there is no identical character for a given code element.

Related Functions


This example sets the displaymask to all display and path to yes, meaning all code points below space are mapped as glyphs and not as controls. It also treats data as pathnames. To modify only some attributes, a query should first be done using UniQueryUconvObject.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

     uconv_attribute_t   attr;
     UconvObject         uconv_object = NULL;
     int                 rc = ULS_SUCCESS;

     /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
     /* setting with the path modifier set                               */
     rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"@path=yes", &uconv_object);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Query the conversion object */
     rc = UniQueryUconvObject(uconv_object, &attr,
                              sizeof(uconv_attribute_t), NULL,
                              NULL, NULL);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniQueryUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     /* Turn the path modifier and display attributes on */
     attr.converttype = attr.converttype | CVTTYPE_PATH;
     attr.displaymask = DSPMASK_DISPLAY;
     rc = UniSetUconvObject(uconv_object, &attr);
     if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniSetUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       return 1;

     return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniUconvFromUcs converts a UCS string to a codepage string, with or without character substitution.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniUconvFromUcs (
    UconvObject uconv_object,     /* I  - Conversion object            */
    UniChar     **ucsbuf,         /* IO - Input buffer                 */
    size_t      *UniCharsleft,    /* IO - Input buffer size (UniChars) */
    void        **outbuf,         /* IO - Output buffer                */
    size_t      *outbytesleft,    /* IO - Output buffer size (bytes)   */
    size_t      *nonidentical     /* IO - Substitution count           */


uconv_object  (UconvObject)
Conversion object created by a call to UniCreateUconvObject.
ucsbuf  (UniChar **)
Input buffer.
UniCharsleft  (size_t *)
Number of UniChar elements in ucsbuf.
outbuf  (void **)
Output buffer.
outbytesleft  (size_t *)
Size of outbuf, in units of bytes.
nonidentical  (size_t *)
Number of nonidentical conversions.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Conversion successful.
Input conversion stopped due to lack of space in the output buffer.
Input conversion stopped due to an incomplete character or shift sequence at the end of the input buffer. This condition will be given when the last UniChar element is recognized as a combining character.
The uconv_object argument is not a valid, open conversion object.

UniUconvFromUcs updates the variables pointed to by the arguments to reflect the extent of the conversion and returns, in nonidentical, the number of substitution (nonidentical conversions) performed. If the entire string in the input buffer is converted, the value pointed to by UniCharsleft will be 0. If the input conversion is stopped due to any condition mentioned above, the value pointed to by UniCharsleft will be nonzero. If any error occurs, UniUconvToUcs returns a nonzero value.


UniUconvFromUcs converts a sequence of UCS code elements, in the array specified by ucsbuf, into a sequence of corresponding characters in another codepage, in the array specified by outbuf. The codepage of outbuf is the string specified in the UniCreateUconvObject call that returned the conversion object uconv_object. The ucsbuf argument points to a variable that points to the first UniChar code element in the input buffer, and UniCharsleft indicates the number of code elements in the buffer. The outbuf argument points to a variable that points to the first available character in outbuf, and outbytesleft indicates the number of bytes available to the end of the buffer.

If the output buffer outbuf is not large enough to hold the entire converted input, conversion stops just prior to the input code element that would cause the output buffer to overflow. The variable pointed to by ucsbuf is updated to point to the next code element following the last code element that was successfully converted. The value pointed to by outbytesleft is decremented to reflect the number of bytes still available in outbuf.

If UniUconvFromUcs encounters a code element in ucsbuf that is legal, but for which an identical character does not exist in the target codepage, then the character will be replaced with a predefined substitution character if the attributes of the conversion object so permit. If substitution is not permitted, an error is returned and conversion stops after the last successfully converted code element.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode string to codepage characters.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

    UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
    int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
    size_t       out_bytes_left;
    size_t       uni_chars_left;
    size_t       num_subs;
    size_t       char_buf_size = 50;
    char         char_buffer[50];
    char         *pout_char_str;
    UniChar      *pin_uni_str;
    UniChar      uni_data[] = L"UniCode string to convert";

    /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
    rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"", &uconv_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
      printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* pin_uni_str points to the unicode string to be converted to       */
    /* codepage characters                                               */
    pout_char_str = char_buffer;
    pin_uni_str = uni_data;
    uni_chars_left = UniStrlen(pin_uni_str)+1;
    out_bytes_left = char_buf_size;

    /* Make call to convert unicode string  to codepage characters       */
    rc = UniUconvFromUcs(uconv_object, &pin_uni_str, &uni_chars_left,
                        (void **)&pout_char_str, &out_bytes_left,
    if(rc != ULS_SUCCESS && uni_chars_left > 0) {
       printf("UniUconvFromUcs error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       printf("Unicode string was not completely converted\n");
       return 1;

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniUconvToUcs converts a codepage string to a UCS string, with or without character substitution.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniUconvToUcs (
    UconvObject uconv_object,     /* I  - Conversion object             */
    void        **inbuf,          /* IO - Input buffer                  */
    size_t      *inbytesleft,     /* IO - Input buffer size (bytes)     */
    UniChar     **ucsbuf,         /* IO - Output buffer                 */
    size_t      *UniCharsleft,    /* IO - Output buffer size (UniChars) */
    size_t      *nonidentical     /* IO - Substitution count            */


uconv_object  (UconvObject)
Conversion object created by a call to UniCreateUconvObject.
inbuf  (void **)
Input buffer.
inbytesleft  (size_t *)
Size of inbuf, in units of bytes.
ucsbuf  (UniChar **)
Output buffer.
UniCharsleft  (size_t *)
Number of Unichar elements in ucsbuf.
nonidentical  (size_t *)
Number of non-identical conversions.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Conversion successful.
Input conversion stopped due to an error condition such as lack of buffer space.

UniUconvToUcs updates the variables pointed to by the arguments to reflect the extent of the conversion and returns, in nonidentical, the number of substitutions (non-identical conversions) performed. If the entire string in the input buffer is converted, the value pointed to by inbytesleft will be 0. If the input conversion is stopped due to any condition mentioned above, the value pointed to by inbytesleft will be nonzero and a nonzero value is returned to indicate the condition. If an error occurs, UniUconvToUcs returns a nonzero value.


UniUconvToUcs converts a sequence of characters encoded in one codepage, in the array specified by inbuf, into a sequence of corresponding UCS code elements, in the array specified by ucsbuf. The codepage of the inbuf is the string specified in the UniCreateUconvObject call that returned the conversion object uconv_object. The inbuf argument points to a variable that points to the first character in the input buffer, and inbytesleft indicates the number of bytes to the end of the buffer. The ucsbuf argument points to a variable that points to the first available UniChar code element in ucsbuf, and UniCharsleft indicates the number of code elements available to the end of the buffer.

If a sequence of bytes within inbuf does not form a valid character in the specified code page and substitution to UCS is not turned on, conversion stops after the last successfully converted character. If the input buffer ends with an incomplete character, conversion stops after the last successfully converted bytes.

If the output buffer ucsbuf is not large enough to hold the entire converted input, conversion stops just prior to the input bytes that would cause the output buffer to overflow. The variable pointed to by inbuf is updated to point to the byte following the last byte successfully used in the conversion. The value pointed to by UniCharsleft is decremented to reflect the number of code elements still available in ucsbuf.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert codepage encoded characters to Unicode.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

    UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
    int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
    size_t       in_bytes_left;
    size_t       uni_chars_left;
    size_t       num_subs;
    int          uni_buf_length = 50;
    UniChar      uni_buffer[50];
    UniChar      *pout_uni_str;
    char         char_data[] = "Character string to convert";
    char         *pin_char_str;

    /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
    rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"", &uconv_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
      printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* pin_char_str points to the character string to be converted to    */
    /* Unicode characters                                                */
    pout_uni_str = uni_buffer;
    pin_char_str = char_data;
    uni_chars_left = uni_buf_length;
    in_bytes_left = ( strlen(char_data) + 1 ) * sizeof(char);

    /* Make call to convert codepage character string to a Unicode string */
    rc = UniUconvToUcs(uconv_object, (void **)&pin_char_str, &in_bytes_left,
                      &pout_uni_str, &uni_chars_left,
    if(rc != ULS_SUCCESS && in_bytes_left > 0) {
       printf("UniUconvToUcs error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       printf("Character string was not completely converted to Unicode\n");
       return 1;

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniStrFromUcs converts a UCS string to a codepage string.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniStrFromUcs (
    UconvObject uconv_object,    /* I  - Conversion object          */
    char        *outbuf,         /* O  - Output buffer              */
    UniChar     *ucsstr,         /* I  - Input buffer               */
    int         size             /* I  - Output buffer size (bytes) */


uconv_object  (UconvObject)
Conversion object created by a call to UniCreateUconvObject.
outbuf  (char *)
Output buffer to hold converted string.
ucsstr  (UniChar *)
Null terminated Unicode string.
size  (int )
Number of bytes that output buffer can hold


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Conversion successful.
The uconv_object argument is not a valid, open conversion object.
Input conversion stopped due to lack of space in the output buffer.
Input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input code page.

UniStrFromUcs always performs conversions with substitution on.


UniStrFromUcs converts a sequence of code elements (up to and including the null terminator), in the array specified by ucsstr, into a sequence of corresponding characters in another codepage, in the array specified by outbuf. The code page of outbuf is the string specified in the UniCreateUconvObject call that returned the conversion object uconv_object. The ucsstr argument points to the first UniChar in the input buffer. The outbuf argument points to the first available character in the output buffer, and size indicates the number of bytes which the output buffer can hold.

If the outbuf buffer is not large enough to hold the entire converted input, conversion aborts and no data is written to outbuf.

If UniStrFromUcs encounters a code element in ucsstr that is legal, but for which an identical character does not exist in the target codepage, UniStrFromUcs replaces the character with a predefined substitution character.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert a Unicode string to codepage characters.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

    UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
    int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
    size_t       buf_size = 50;
    char         char_buffer[50];
    UniChar      uni_data[] = L"UniCode string to convert";

    /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
    rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"", &uconv_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
      printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* make call to convert unicode string  to codepage characters       */
    rc = UniStrFromUcs(uconv_object, char_buffer, uni_data, buf_size);
    if(rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniStrFromUcs error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       printf("Unicode string was not completely converted\n");
       return 1;

    return ULS_SUCCESS;


UniStrToUcs converts a codepage string to a UCS string.


#include <uconv.h>

int UniStrToUcs (
    UconvObject uconv_object,    /* I  - Conversion object             */
    UniChar     *ucsbuf,         /* O  - Output buffer                 */
    char        *inbuf,          /* I  - Input buffer                  */
    int         size             /* I  - Output buffer size (UniChars) */


uconv_object  (UconvObject)
Conversion object created by a call to UniCreateUconvObject.
ucsbuf  (UniChar *)
Output buffer.
inbuf  (char *)
Null-terminated input string.
size  (int)
Number of Unichar elements that ucsbuf can hold.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Conversion successful.
The uconv_object argument is not a valid, open conversion object.
Input conversion stopped due to lack of space in the output buffer.
Input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codepage.
Input conversion stopped due to an error condition such as an input byte sequence that does not represent a valid character for the input codepage.


UniStrToUcs converts a sequence of characters encoded in one codepage, in the array specified by inbuf, into a sequence of corresponding UCS code elements in the array specified by ucsbuf. The codepage of the inbuf is the string specified in the UniCreateUconvObject call that returned the conversion object, uconv_object. The inbuf argument points to the first byte in the input buffer. The ucsbuf argument points to the first available UniChar in the output buffer, and size indicates the number of UniChar elements which the output buffer can hold.

If the ucsbuf buffer is not large enough to hold the entire converted input, conversion aborts and no data is written to ucsbuf.

Related Functions


This example shows how to convert codepage encoded characters to a Unicode string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uconv.h>

int main(void) {

    UconvObject  uconv_object = NULL;
    int          rc = ULS_SUCCESS;
    size_t       buf_size = 50;
    char         char_buffer[] = "Character string to convert";
    UniChar      uni_data[50];

    /* Create a conversion object based upon the process codepage       */
    rc = UniCreateUconvObject((UniChar *)L"", &uconv_object);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
      printf("UniCreateUconvObject error: return code = %u\n", rc);
      return 1;

    /* make call to convert codepage characters to unicode string        */
    rc = UniStrToUcs(uconv_object, uni_data, char_buffer, buf_size);
    if (rc != ULS_SUCCESS) {
       printf("UniStrToUcs error: return code = %u\n", rc);
       printf("Character string was not completely converted to Unicode\n");
       return 1;

    return ULS_SUCCESS;

Keyboard Functions

When a user presses a key on the keyboard, the device driver maps to the appropriate scan code. To process the translation of the scan code to a Unicode character or virtual function key, a set of ULS keyboard functions are provided.

The keyboard functions maintain a state that includes information about:

The keyboard functions include:

  1. Translation table manipulation functions:
    Load a keyboard layout
    Unload a keyboard layout
    Query information from the header in the keyboard table layout

  2. Translation and state maintenance functions:
    Reset the shift state and LED status
    Translate a dead key code with a Unicode to a composite character
    Translate a scan code plus shift state to a Unicode and virtual or dead key
    Translate a Unicode to a scan code plus shift state
    Maintain shift state and LED status


Loads a keyboard layout from the disk and returns a handle.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniCreateKeyboard(
    KHAND   pkhand;    /* O  - Keyboard handle      */
    KBDNAME pname;     /* I  - Keyboard name        */
    ULONG   mode;      /* I  - Reserved (must be 0) */


pkhand  (KHAND *)  -  output
Stores the keyboard handle. All keyboard functions use this handle.
pname  (KBDNAME *)  -  input
The name string that identifies the keyboard translation file name (for example us). The string does not include the path name.
mode  (ULONG)  -  input
Reserved. Must be zero.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Cannot find the specified keyboard layout.
Insufficient memory to load the keyboard layout.
The function was successful.
Too many keyboard handles were created.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


If the keyboard layout is already in use, a use count is incremented.


This example loads a keyboard layout and gets the handle.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {

   KHAND      kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME   *kbd_name;
   ULONG      mode     = 0;
   APIRET     rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;


Closes a keyboard handle.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniDestroyKeyboard(
    KHAND   khand;    /* I  - Keyboard handle */


khand  (KHAND)  -  input
Keyboard handle created by UniCreateKeyboard.


Result value  (int)  -  returns

Bad keyboard handle.
Attempted to close a keyboard handle that has already been closed.
The function was successful.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


This function closes the keyboard handle and decrements the use count. When the use count goes to zero, the handle associated with the keyboard is closed.


This example closes a keyboard handle.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {

   KHAND      kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME   *kbd_name;
   ULONG      mode = 0;
   APIRET     rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   rc = UniDestroyKeyboard( kbdhandle );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniDestroyKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;


Queries information from the header in a keyboard table.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniQueryKeyboard(
    KHAND         khand;       /* I  - Keyboard handle         */
    KEYBOARDINFO *pkbdinfo;    /* O  - Keyboard info structure */


khand  (KHAND)  -  input
Keyboard handle created by UniCreateKeyboard.
pkbdinfo  (KEYBOARDINFO *)  -  output
Address of KEYBOARDINFO packet.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Bad keyboard handle.
The function was successful.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


This example queries information from a loaded keyboard table.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {
   KHAND          kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME       *kbd_name;
   KEYBOARDINFO   kbdinfo;
   ULONG          mode     = 0;
   APIRET         rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   /* Query Keyboard Information Packet*/
   rc = UniQueryKeyboard( kbdhandle, &kbdinfo );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniQueryKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;


Resets the actual and effective shift states and LED status.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniResetShiftState(
    KHAND        khand;    /* I  - Keyboard handle  */
    USHIFTSTATE *pUss;     /* IO - New shift states */
    ULONG        type;     /* I  - Reset type       */


khand  (KHAND)  -  input
Keyboard handle created by UniCreateKeyboard.
Shift state. This consists of three 32-bit values. They have bit definitions but they define the actual, effective, and LED shift states.
type  (ULONG)  -  input
Type of reset:
Release all pressed keys
Set to specified value
Release all pressed and locked keys


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Bad keyboard handle.
The function was successful.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


UniResetShiftState is used when the shift state is changed other than through the normal key sequence. This allows the LED status to be maintained based on the shift state.


This example resets the shift state to release all pressed keys.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {
   KHAND          kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME       *kbd_name;
   ULONG          mode =  0;

   USHIFTSTATE    Uss  = {0}; /* indicates no shift keys, toggle keys,
                               * dead keys, or layer keys are pressed.
   ULONG          type;
   APIRET         rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   Uss.Shift     = KBD_LEFTSHIFT | KBD_SHIFT; /* actual state is Left shift key */
   Uss.Effective = KBD_SHIFT;                 /* effective state is shift key   */

   type = KEYEV_ZERO;  /* Reset shift state status to indicate the release of all
                        * pressed and locked keys

   rc = UniResetShiftState( kbdhandle, &Uss, type );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniResetShiftState error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;


Translates a dead key and a Unicode character to a composite character.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniTranslateDeadKey(
    KHAND    khand;      /* I  - Keyboard handle           */
    VDKEY   *vdk;        /* I  - Dead key value            */
    UniChar  inchar;     /* I  - Input character           */
    UniChar *outchar;    /* O  - Ouput composite character */
    VDKEY   *newdead;    /* O  - Output dead key value     */


khand  (KHAND)  -  input
Keyboard handle created by UniCreateKeyboard.
vdk  (VDKEY *)  -  input
Dead key value.
inchar  (UniChar)  -  input
Second character in the sequence.
outchar  (UniChar *)  -  output
Composite character.
newdead  (VDKEY *)  -  output
Output dead key value. If this is non-zero, then the dead key is chained. OS/2 does not support chained dead keys, so this should not be used.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Bad keyboard handle.
The dead key value is not valid.
The function was successful.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


The calling program is expected to maintain the dead key state so that when a dead key is found, the next will be used to form the full character. After doing the dead key translate, the dead key state should be reset.

There is a provision in the tables for a dead key formed multiple dead keys, and this is used in the Japanese logic. It should not be used because OS/2 does not support chained dead keys.


This example translates a dead key and a Unicode character to a composite character.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {

   KHAND      kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME   *kbd_name;
   ULONG      mode = 0;
   VDKEY      invdk;
   VDKEY      outvdk;
   UniChar    inchar;
   UniChar    outchar;
   APIRET     rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   /* Translate following dead key and unicode to composite character tilde A*/
   invdk  = DK_TILDE;
   inchar = 0x0041;

   rc = UniTranslateDeadkey( kbdhandle, invdk, inchar, &outchar, &outvdk );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniTranslateDeadkey error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;


Translates a scan code and effective shift state to a Unicode and virtual and dead key. Sets the BIOS scan code.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniTranslateKey(
    KHAND    khand;     /* I  - Keyboard handle            */
    ULONG    eshift;    /* I  - Input shift state          */
    VSCAN    scan;      /* I  - Input scan code            */
    UniChar *uc;        /* O  - Output character           */
    VDKEY   *vdk;       /* O  - Output virtual or dead key */
    BYTE    *bscan;     /* O  - Output BIOS scan code      */


khand  (KHAND)  -  input
Keyboard handle created by UniCreateKeyboard.
eshift  (ULONG)  -  input
Effective shift state. This is an output from UniUpdateShiftState.
scan  (VSCAN)  -  input
PM scan code that indicates the key. Note that this does not indicate the action (make, break, repeat).
uc  (UniChar *)  -  output
Unicode character.
vdk  (VDKEY *)  -  output
Virtual or dead key.
bscan  (BYTE *)  -  output
BIOS scan code.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Bad keyboard handle.
The function was successful.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


In most cases, there is either a Unicode character or a PM (virtual) scan code. In a few cases (Esc, Tab, Backspace), both exists. It is normal when a dead key is returned to also return a Unicode character for the stand-alone character associated with the dead key.

The BIOS scan code is returned because the translation is dependent on the keyboard layout. This is done to emulate the earlier DOS and OS/2 keyboard layouts that allow the translated (BIOS) scan code to be set by the layout.


This example translates virtual scan code and effective shift state for [ to Unicode.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {

   KHAND          kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME       *kbd_name;
   ULONG          mode     =  0;

   USHIFTSTATE    Uss      = {0}; /* indicates no shift keys, toggle keys,
                                   * dead keys, or layer keys are pressed.
   VSCAN          v_scan;
   BYTE           makebreak;

   UniChar        uc;
   VDKEY          vk;
   BYTE           bscan;

   APIRET         rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   v_scan         = 0x5B;          /* PM scan code for [           */
   makebreak      = KEYEV_MAKE;    /* indicate key is pressed down */

   rc = UniUpdateShiftState( kbdhandle, &Uss, v_scan, makebreak );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniUpdateShiftState error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   rc = UniTranslateKey( kbdhandle, Uss.Effective, v_scan, &uc, &vk, &bscan );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniTranslateKey error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;


Translates a Unicode character and virtual or dead key to a scan code and creates the effective shift state.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniUntranslateKey(
    KHAND    khand;     /* I  - Keyboard handle     */
    UniChar  uc;        /* I  - Input character     */
    VDKEY    vdk;       /* I  - Virtual or dead key */
    VSCAN   *pscan;     /* O  - Output scan code    */
    ULONG   *eshift;    /* O  - Output shift state  */


khand  (KHAND)  -  input
Keyboard handle created by UniCreateKeyboard.
uc  (UniChar)  -  input
Unicode character to untranslate.
vdk  (VDKEY)  -  input
Virtual or dead key.
pscan  (VSCAN *)  -  output
Address to hold the PM scan code.
eshift  (ULONG *)  -  output
Effective shift state to generate this character. A minimal number of bits is set.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Bad keyboard handle.
Bad scan code.
The function was successful.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


UniUntranslateKey does a reverse translation in respect to UniTranslateKey. This is used to create a complete keyboard packet when an already translated character is entered. This is used mostly when the input to the event is the translated character.

Normally, either the Unicode character, or the virtual or dead key is given. If both are given, UniUntranslateKey processes the virtual or dead key first.


This example translates a Unicode character to a scan code and creates the effective shift state.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {

   KHAND      kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME   *kbd_name;
   ULONG      mode     = 0;
   UniChar    unichar;
   VDKEY      vdkey = 0;
   VSCAN      pscan;
   ULONG      eshift;
   APIRET     rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   /* Untranslate Unicode character A */

   unichar = 0x0041;

   rc = UniUntranslateKey( kbdhandle, unichar, vdkey, &pscan, &eshift );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniUntranslateKey error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;


Updates the actual and effective shift states and LED status.


#include <unikbd.h>

int UniUpdateShiftState(
    KHAND            khand;        /* I  - Keyboard handle             */
    USHIFTSTATE     *pUss;         /* IO - Shift state                 */
    VSCAN            v_scan;       /* I  - Input scan code             */
    BYTE             makebreak;    /* I  - Make/break/repeat indicator */


khand  (KHAND)  -  input
Keyboard handle created by UniCreateKeyboard.
Shift state. This consists of three 32-bit values. They have bit definitions but they define the actual, effective, and LED shift states.
v_scan  (VSCAN)  -  input
PM scan code.
makebreak  (BYTE)  -  input
Key make/break/repeat indicator.


Return value  (int)  -  returns

Bad keyboard handle.
The function was successful.

For a full list of error codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values, see Return Codes.


UniUpdateShiftState modifies the shift state as required by the scan code, using the specified keyboard translation tables. The shift state consists of three parts:

The effective shift is equal to the 16 lower bits of the actual shift, but when a lock state modifies an actual shift (such as caps lock affecting shift), the effective shift is modified. This means that the effective shift is only correct for the specified scan code.


This example updates the shift state for a loaded keyboard table.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unikbd.h>

int main(void) {

   KHAND          kbdhandle;
   KBDNAME       *kbd_name;
   ULONG          mode     =  0;

   USHIFTSTATE    Uss      = {0}; /* indicates no shift keys, toggle keys,
                                   * dead keys, or layer keys are pressed.
   VSCAN          v_scan;
   BYTE           makebreak;
   APIRET         rc;

   /* Create a keyboard handle for US keyboard layout */

   kbd_name = (UniChar*)L"us";

   rc = UniCreateKeyboard( &kbdhandle, kbd_name, mode );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniCreateKeyboard error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   Uss.Shift      = KBD_LEFTSHIFT;  /* indicate left shift          */
   Uss.Effective  = KBD_SHIFT;      /* effective shift state        */
   v_scan         = 0x61;           /* scan code for a              */
   makebreak      = KEYEV_MAKE;     /* indicate key is pressed down */

   rc = UniUpdateShiftState( kbdhandle, &Uss, v_scan, makebreak );

   if ( rc != ULS_SUCCESS ) {
      printf("UniUpdateShiftState error: return code = %u\n", rc );
      return 1;

   return ULS_SUCCESS;

ULS Data Types

The following data types are used by the Unicode functions.


AttrObject is used to determine character classifications.

typedef void *AttrObject;


Information about the source and target endian (byte order) of a Unicode string.

typedef struct _conv_endian_rec {
  unsigned short    source;      /* Used by Uni*FromUcs */
  unsigned short    target;      /* Used by Uni*ToUcs   */
} conv_endian_t;


source  (unsigned short)
Source endian; applies when converting from Unicode.
target  (unsigned short)
Target endian; applies when converting to Unicode.

Each field can contain one of the following values:

Use system endian.
Use big endian.
Use little endian.


Keyboard name.

typedef UniChar KBDNAME;


Query keyboard structure.

typedef struct _KEYBOARDINFO {
  ULONG       len;              /*  Length of structure.              */
  USHORT      kbid;             /*  Keyboard architecture identifier. */
  USHORT      version;          /*  Version number.                   */
  BYTE        language[2];      /*  Normal language.                  */
  BYTE        country[2];       /*  Normal country.                   */
  USHORT      flags;            /*  Flags.                            */
  USHORT      resv;             /*  Reserved.                         */
  UniChar     description[32];  /*  Description of keyboard.          */



len  (ULONG)
Length of structure.
kbid  (USHORT)
Keyboard architecture identifier.
version  (USHORT)
Version number.
language[2]  (BYTE)
Normal language.
country[2]  (BYTE)
Normal country.
flags  (USHORT)

The following are the valid query keyboard flags:

Flag Hexadecimal value Meaning
KBDF_DEFAULTVKEY 0x0001 Use default VKEYs.
KBDF_NOCTRLSHIFT 0x0002 Ctrl+Shift equals Ctrl.
KBDF_NOALTGR 0x0004 Alt graphics is not used.
KBDF_SHIFTALTGR 0x0010 Altgr, shift-altgr separate.
KBDF_DEADGOOD 0x0020 Invalid dead use second char.
KBDF_DEADPRIVATE 0x0040 Use only private dead keys.
KBDF_SYSTEM 0x8000 System supplied keyboard.
KBDF_INTERNATIONAL 0x4000 Full-range character set.
KBDF_DVORAK 0x2000 Alternate letter keys.
KBDF_NATIONAL 0x1000 National letter keys.
KBDF_LETTERKEYS 0x3000 Letter key type.
KBDF_ISOKEYS 0x0800 Use ISO icons for key names.
resv  (USHORT)
description[32]  (UniChar)
Description of keyboard.


Handle to translate table. typedef unsigned int KHAND;


LocaleItem is used to identify a language or cultural item within a locale.

typedef int LocaleItem;


LocaleObject is used by APIs that require language- or cultural-sensitive processing.

typedef void *LocaleObject;


LocaleToken is used as a shorthand method for identifying locales.

typedef unsigned int LocaleToken;

struct UniLconv

struct UniLconv describes the locale conventions.

struct UniLconv {
  UniChar   *decimal_point;         /* non-monetary decimal point            */
  UniChar   *thousands_sep;         /* non-monetary thousands separator      */
  short     *grouping;              /* non-monetary size of grouping         */
  UniChar   *int_curr_symbol;       /* int'l currency symbol and separator   */
  UniChar   *currency_symbol;       /* local  currency symbol                */
  UniChar   *mon_decimal_point;     /* monetary decimal point                */
  UniChar   *mon_thousands_sep;     /* monetary thousands separator          */
  short     *mon_grouping;          /* monetary size of grouping             */
  UniChar   *positive_sign;         /* non-negative values sign              */
  UniChar   *negative_sign;         /* negative values sign                  */
  short     int_frac_digits;        /* no of fractional digits int currency  */
  short     frac_digits;            /* no of fractional digits loc currency  */
  short     p_cs_precedes;          /* nonneg curr sym 1-precedes,0-succeeds */
  short     p_sep_by_space;         /* nonneg curr sym 1-space,0-no space    */
  short     n_cs_precedes;          /* neg curr sym 1-precedes,0-succeeds    */
  short     n_sep_by_space;         /* neg curr sym 1-space 0-no space       */
  short     p_sign_posn;            /* positioning of nonneg monetary sign   */
  short     n_sign_posn;            /* positioning of negative monetary sign */
  short     os2_mondecpt;           /* os2 curr sym positioning              */
  UniChar   *debit_sign;            /* non-neg-valued monetary sym - "DB"    */
  UniChar   *credit_sign;           /* negative-valued monetary sym - "CR"   */
  UniChar   *left_parenthesis;      /* negative-valued monetary sym - "("    */
  UniChar   *right_parenthesis;     /* negative-valued monetary sym - ")"    */


decimal_point  (UniChar *)
Non-monetary decimal point.
thousands_sep  (UniChar *)
Non-monetary thousands separator.
grouping  (short *)
Size of each group of digits in non-monetary quantities.
int_curr_symbol  (UniChar *)
International currency symbol and separator.
currency_symbol  (UniChar *)
Local currency symbol.
mon_decimal_point  (UniChar *)
Monetary decimal point.
mon_thousands_sep  (UniChar *)
Monetary thousands separator.
mon_grouping  (short *)
Size of each group of digits in monetary quantities.
positive_sign  (UniChar *)
Non-negative values sign.
negative_sign  (UniChar *)
Negative values sign.
int_frac_digits  (short)
Number of fractional digits for international currency.
frac_digits  (short)
Number of fractional digits for local currency.
p_cs_precedes  (short)
Nonnegative currency symbol 1-precedes, 0-succeeds.
p_sep_by_space  (short)
Nonnegative currency symbol 1-space, 0-no space.
n_cs_precedes  (short)
Negative currency symbol 1-precedes, 0-succeeds.
n_sep_by_space  (short)
Negative currency symbol 1-space, 0-no space.
p_sign_posn  (short)
Positioning of nonnegative monetary sign.
n_sign_posn  (short)
Positioning of negative monetary sign.
os2_mondecpt  (short)
OS2 currency symbol positioning.
debit_sign  (UniChar *)
Non-negative valued debit monetary symbol.
credit_sign  (UniChar *)
Negative valued credit monetary symbol.
left_parenthesis  (UniChar *)
Negative valued left parenthesis monetary symbol.
right_parenthesis  (UniChar *)
Negative valued right parenthesis monetary symbol.


This structure describes the attributes and characteristics of a conversion object. All of these fields are queryable through UniQueryUconvObject. Some of the fields are settable through UniSetUconvObject; these are marked in the descriptions.

typedef struct _uconv_attribute_t {
  unsigned long  version;          /* Q/S Version (must be zero)     */
  char           mb_min_len;       /* Q   Minimum char size          */
  char           mb_max_len;       /* Q   Maximum char size          */
  char           usc_min_len;      /* Q   UCS min size               */
  char           usc_max_len;      /* Q   UCS max size               */
  unsigned short esid;             /* Q   Encoding scheme ID         */
  char           options;          /* Q/S Substitution options       */
  char           state;            /* Q/S State for stateful convert */
  conv_endian_t  endian;           /* Q/S Source and target endian   */
  unsigned long  displaymask;      /* Q/S Display/data mask          */
  unsigned long  converttype;      /* Q/S Conversion type            */
  unsigned short subchar_len;      /* Q/S MBCS sub len      0=table  */
  unsigned short subuni_len;       /* Q/S Unicode sub len   0=table  */
  char           subchar[16];      /* Q/S MBCS sub characters        */
  UniChar        subuni[8];        /* Q/S Unicode sub characters     */
} uconv_attribute_t;


version  (unsigned long)
Version. Settable, but must be zero.
mb_min_len  (char)
Minimum character size in the specified codepage.
mb_max_len  (char)
Maximum character size in the specified codepage.
usc_min_len  (char)
UCS minimum character size.
usc_max_len  (char)
UCS maximum character size.
esid  (unsigned short)
Encoding scheme ID.

This identifies the environments for which a codepage is valid:

Name Value Process Display VIO GPI
ESID_sbcs_data 0x2100 x x x x
ESID_sbcs_pc 0x3100 x x x x
ESID_sbcs_ebcdic 0x1100 x x x
ESID_sbcs_iso 0x4100 x x x x
ESID_sbcs_windows 0x4105 x x x x
ESID_sbcs_alt 0xF100 x x x
ESID_dbcs_data 0x2200 x x
ESID_dbcs_pc 0x3200 x x x x
ESID_dbcs_ebcdic 0x1200 x
ESID_mbcs_data 0x2300 x x x
ESID_mbcs_pc 0x3300 x x
ESID_mbcs_ebcdic 0x1301
ESID_ucs_2 0x7200
ESID_ugl 0x72FF
ESID_utf_8 0x7807 x x x
ESID_upf_8 0x78FF x x x x

options  (char)
Substitution options. Settable.

Substitution options can have one of these values, which are defined in uconv.h:

Disable substitution
Enable substitution when converting from UCS with UniUconvFromUcs.
Enable substitution when converting to UCS with UniUconvToUcs.
Enable substitution when converting to or from UCS using either function.
state  (char)
Current state for stateful conversion. Settable.

When set to 0, the conversion object is put into the base conversion state.

endian  (conv_endian_t)
Source and target endian. Settable.
displaymask  (unsigned long)
Display and data mask. Settable.

This is a 32-bit mask in which each bit represents a control character below space (1 << char). If the bit is 0, the character is treated as a display glyph. If the bit is 1, the character is treated as a control. There are several predefined values for this mask (defined in uconv.h), but any value can be used:

All characters less than space are controls.
DSPMASK_DISPLAY   (0x00000000)
All characters less than space are glyphs.
DSPMASK_CRLF   (0x00002400)
CR and LF are controls; others are glyphs.
converttype  (unsigned long)
Conversion type. Settable.

This is a mask in which the following flags exist, and can be ORed together (defined in uconv.h):

CVTTYPE_CTRL7F   (0x00000001)
Treat the 0x7F character as a control.
CVTTYPE_CDRA   (0x00000002)
Use IBM standard control conversion. If this bit is not set, controls are converted to an equal value. Some conversions always do control conversions.
CVTTYPE_PATH   (0x00000004)
When performing Unicode conversions, strings are assumed to contain pathnames. This setting is only applicable when converting to or from DBCS codepages.
subchar_len  (unsigned short)
Length of the codepage substitution character. Settable.

This can be a value between 0 and 13, but may not exceed the maximum size of a character in the encoding. A value of 0 indicates that the default substitution character (from the codepage conversion table) should be used.

subuni_len  (unsigned short)
Length of the Unicode substitution character. Settable.

This can be either 0 or 1. A value of 0 indicates that the default substitution character (from the Unicode conversion table) should be used.

subchar[16]  (char)
Codepage substitution character. Settable.

This is the actual character value whose length is specified by subchar_len.

subuni[8]  (UniChar)
Unicode substitution character. Settable.

If subuni_len is set to 1, the first element in this array gives the Unicode substitution character.


UconvObject is used by APIs that convert to and from Unicode.

typedef void *UconvObject;


udcrange_t provides a set of ranges of characters that make up the user-defined character range.

typedef struct {
  unsigned short   first;     /* First codepoint */
  unsigned short   last;      /* Last codepoint  */
} udcrange_t;


first  (unsigned short)
First code point.
last  (unsigned short)
Last code point.


Boolean used with internationalization functions.

typedef int ulsBool;


A Unicode character (also referred to as a code element). Unicode is a universal character code that is independent of language and culture, and supports multiple simultaneous character sets.

Each UniChar is a two-byte value encoded according to the UCS-2 standard.

C wide character conventions may be used to handle UniChar characters and strings, under environments where wchar_t is an unsigned short integer.

typedef unsigned short UniChar;


The UNICTYPE structure provides a range of information regarding the type of a character.

typedef struct {
  USHORT    itype;         /* CTYPE1 - xpg4 attributes     */
  CHAR      bidi;          /* CTYPE2 - Bidi attributes     */
  CHAR      charset;       /* CHARSET- Character set       */
  USHORT    extend;        /* CTYPE3 - Extended attributes */
  USHORT    codepage;      /* Codepage mask (CCP)          */


itype  (USHORT)
XPG/4 type attributes (CTYPE1).
bidi  (CHAR)
BiDi type attributes (CTYPE2).
charset  (CHAR)
Character set (CHARSET).
extend  (USHORT)
Win32 Extended attributes (CTYPE3).
codepage  (USHORT)
Codepage bits.


Unicode shift states.

typedef struct _USHIFTSTATE {
  ULONG     shift;      /*  Actual shift and lock state. */
  ULONG     Effective;  /*  Effective shift and lock state. */
  ULONG     Led;        /*  Keyboard indicators. */



shift  (ULONG)
Actual shift and lock state.
Effective  (ULONG)
Effective shift and lock state.
Led  (ULONG)
Keyboard indicators.


Virtual or dead key.



Virtual scan code.

typedef UCHAR VSCAN;


An XformObject is used to perform string transformations.

typedef void *XformObject;

ULS Return Codes

The following values may be returned by the various ULS functions.

Hexadecimal value Decimal value Symbolic name(s)
0x00000 0 ULS_SUCCESS
0x20401 132097 ULS_OTHER
0x20404 132100 ULS_MAXFILES
0x20405 132101 ULS_NOOP
0x20406 132102 ULS_TOOMANYKBD
0x20407 132103 ULS_KBDNOTFOUND
0x20408 132104 ULS_BADHANDLE
0x20409 132105 ULS_NODEAD
0x2040A 132106 ULS_NOSCAN
0x2040B 132107 ULS_INVALIDSCAN
0x2040D 132109 ULS_NOMEMORY
0x2040E 132110 ULS_INVALID
0x2040F 132111 ULS_BADOBJECT
0x20410 132112 ULS_NOTOKEN
0x20411 132113 ULS_NOMATCH
0x20412 132114 ULS_BUFFERFULL
0x20413 132115 ULS_RANGE
0x20414 132116 ULS_UNSUPPORTED
0x20415 132117 ULS_BADATTR
0x20416 132118 ULS_VERSION

Note: Symbolic names beginning with "UCONV_" are provided for compatibility with legacy code written for previous versions of the ULS API. Their use is discouraged.


This document is based in part on the following IBM publication, hereafter referred to as the IBM Unicode Functions Reference, which is governed by the legal notices listed below.

Unicode Functions (OS/2 Warp) – Second Edition (October 1997)

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The following copyright notices apply to material in this document which is derived from the IBM Unicode Functions Reference.

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